On Saturday we had the first of hopefully many Saturday fellowship groups. I had told Kerry and Holly about my idea of getting together on a Saturday - either over lunch or for afternoon tea and getting some Christian fellowship and encouragement around the word. Kerry was really excited about it and so we did not put it off but organized for a shared BBQ for today (before they head off for holidays). We had a lovely spread of food.

It was nice to get a photo of our first meeting. It will be great to see how much this group grows in the months ahead.
And once the meal was over the children all headed off to play with Brendon as the supervisor. This allowed Kerry, Holly and myself time to chat and share what the Lord has been doing in our lives. It was a blessed time of fellowship and encouragement and I think we all look forward to these times in the future.

And what a beautiful day for a garden full of children - all eleven of them having a wonderful time.

I think Hezekiah had the best time though with that lovely puddle that had formed under the garden tap.
He just loves water - so this was a real treat for him.
And for those who were wondering - yes - he is walking already. Not with loads of confidence and not very far at this stage but he is on the move.
Daylight savings change happened overnight - so on Sunday morning instead of having this sky at 6am - it was 7am. Lovely long days have started. :-)

Brendon was able to borrow a rotary hoe and so the boxes we had put on this bed got taken off so that the lovely compost and remains of the boxes and straw from Jan could be nicely broken up and mixed with the soil.

Brendon got busy on this bed while Ruth worked on the other. The soil looks so lovely and rich with so many earth worms. I am so glad we got all the boxes and straw on before we went away in Feb. It not only eliminated all weeding but also helped bring loads of earth worms.
And any time that Brendon had the hoe off - Hezekiah had a "turn".

I look Hannah for morning tea and for a special treat we went all the way to Culverden's Red Post cafe (all 25km away - that's FAR for me). There is a 4 square in Culverden though - and so after our tea we got the car loaded up with boxes

I had to get a photo of this. Rachel does loads of mucking out (cleaning up horse poo) as payment for her riding but she does not generally do much around the garden at home. So we thought we had better get it on record. Rachel helping out in the garden. :-)
Once the ground was nice and even (thanks Rachel) we put two layers of boxes on (Ruth was my big helper in this job) and then Brendon put straw on top. So a nice family effort and our beds are ready for summer.
Finally I got an updated photo of Ruth's hair. Her braidlocs are now almost 1 1/2 years old.

The photo on the right is what it looked like in May 2011 when the 260 braids where first put in. It is so much thicker and longer now.
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