Monday, May 9, 2011

It's a BOY!!!

19 weeks, 1 day and time for a scan. The most exciting part about this scan was that the Lord allowed us a lovely "sneak peak" with baby lying so very nicely that we could see we have been blessed with a little BOY!!!! I had tears in my eyes I was so thankful.
As the sonographer started the scan (within seconds) she asked "so are you sure you want to know what it is - because I think we will be able to see straight away". It amazed me that within seconds she knew exactly how baby was lying and she also probably suspected that if she even went to that area we would see for ourselves. As we did. What a blessing. And I know Rachel and Nana are going to be THRILLED too.
4D picture with hands up by his face.
It did take 5 to 10 minutes of chatting before we started the scan though. After the 12 week scan (I have just added some commentary to that post) I got an information page about the 19 week scan. This scan is for "a routine check of the baby's anatomy. During the scan the Sonographer checks the position of the placenta, the baby's size and growth from any previous scans and looks to see that there are no major congenital abnormalities." So when we got in we told her that we did not want to check for any abnormalities. We are happy to deal with what we need to deal with when and if it happens. Brendon and I had discussed this a lot and this part of it is one of the reasons many home birthing mothers don't do this scan. Often worries are brought up which can give them (the medical field) reason to say you should not have baby at home. I did not have the scan with the other two pregnancies though and we both felt comfortable in not having this part of the scan again.

Big head - the size of a 20 week old already.
It sure took us a while to convince her though. Especially when she knew we were planning another home birth. She was very thorough in checking where the placenta was and making sure that would not cause any problems.
I always find it so silly the way people rely on machines. After my 12 week scan my expected date of delivery (EDD) "changed" from 2nd October to 30 September saying that the Gestational age (GA) was 12 weeks 3 days (2 days more). Well after today's scan my EDD is now 29 September and the GA is 19 weeks and 4days (now 3 days more).
I find this all so silly because I know when I conceived. So the date has not changed. Baby may be bigger than what they call "normal" and may in fact come a little earlier if he runs out of space. But his age has not changed. And what if he wants to stay in an extra week?
Look at that beautiful femur. So strong already -
no wonder I can feel him kicking so nicely. :-)
That would also be fine. But if the EDD is already 4 days earlier then I end up being already "late" when I reach my actual EDD. And boy do a lot of doctors get stressed when you go over your EDD. So it is silly (if you followed all that) - but it is also very sad. So many mothers (and especially first time mothers) just trust everything the doctor says. Now I am in no way saying that I am not thankful for the medical technology that has developed over the years. It has in many cases saved lives. But to be honest - it has also interfered in so many more cases where things would probably have been better off if they had not started meddling. I think mothers should be trusting themselves more, educating themselves more and making more decision for themselves. But enough of this lecture for one day. Can you tell I am passionate about letting things be as natural as possible? God has made a wonderful design. He really has.
We were thankful to get another nice video of our little boy.


Thompson said...

WOW!!! Congratulations on this fantastic news - you must be so excited about the blessing of a son. We will continue praying for your family and for a healthy delivery of your new addition. Praise God!!!

Debbie said...

So very happy for you all! The Lord is truly good. Will continue praying!
Love you guys