It was lovely to pick our first cucumbers today. We also decided to start picking the zucchini while they were still small. We already had a huge pile of big marrows that Brendon ended up taking to work to give away. The photo on the top right shows the big ones we gave away. They are around 30cm long.

We used another big one to make our second filled marrow. The previous one I added creamed corn but this one I added tuna (with cheese on top). We had this for lunch today and it was really nice (and filling). Those are big plates (not side plates) so one big marrow was a good meal for us all.
While lunch was cooking the girls got Dad playing with Ruth's new school game.

And before dinner Hannah was outside playing with water. She did quite a bit of washing (including her bike). At first she came in showing us her skirt was wet. So that came off. Then her shirt was wet - so that came off. But as she still wanted to play (and it was warm enough) she just carried on. So much fun - just with a bucket of water.
Then the girls asked Dad for some tickle time. So although Brendon was feeling quite tired he found some extra energy to chase them around for a bit.
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