It was Hannah's turn to see the doc this morning. Her cough had gotten really bad over the weekend and was sounding very much like
Ruth's. So I took her to the doc to check it out and was so very glad to hear that her chest and ears and throat are fine.

I made up a new card game for Rachel and I to play to help get the "making 10" facts solid in her mind. It's like rummy, but you have to make 10 with 2 cards. Each card you pick up for the pile you say it's "partner". So if you pick up a 7 you say 7 and 3. If you have a 3 you can use the 7 to put that out. Otherwise you keep going till you find a match for your cards. It's amazing how much this is helping her speed with this and it's so much fun at the same time. :D

As soon as Brendon was home and showered we headed into town. We had dinner with the Pollards and then Brendon and I headed out to a information evening with
CYF (Child Youth and Family) for adoptive applicants.
We have decided to apply for adoption and see if the Lord has another child that He would like to bring into our home through this route. It is a very long process in NZ. The next step would be to get our application in and then attend the 3 full days of training which will be in March and April. We are looking into International adoption as this is where more children are in need of homes. Although we may decided to make our profile available in NZ as well - leaving this all in the Lord's hands as we know He has a perfect plan. The international adoption option is very expensive - but we know that the Lord can provide if this is what He has planned for us.
1 comment:
Wow my friends, you are such an insiration. Will be praying over this issue!!!
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