10 Pin Bowling Quik story. Everyone got at least 1 spare (I just didn't get them all on video). Got some great ones though.
Nice to have a print out of the score card. The younger three had the sides up to help them and even the playing field. Which meant that I ended up coming last on both games. :-)
I post the score cards here as I'm sure Ruth will enjoy looking back to them if / when we get to play again.

Arcade video. With the holiday special we got (with 2 games) we also got free arcade coins. So had some fun with those after the games.
Monday 28th: Asher "reading" to Anastasia this morning. Anastasia had the book and Asher took it from her. So I just put Anastasia next to her so that she cook look while Asher paged through. It was very sweet.
Cuddles with Ruth this morning.
She still enjoys climbing in boxes. We have to keep her from climbing in the ball box (which is smaller than this).
Swim 28 Jan. We headed down to the pool this afternoon at 5pm. Here is a video of some of the fun.
Posing for a photo.

Tuesday 29th: Asher wanted to give Anastasia her milk today.
It was very sweet.

Once I got her position right they both carried on playing while she drank. :-)
Wednesday 30th: First day of school 2019. And all in new uniforms too. Looking so good.
Ruth is year 9, Hannah is year 7, Hezekiah is year 3 and Asher is year 2.
After her time on the trampoline she had a swing but then clearly told me she wanted to have a swing on this one too. She saw Asher in it the other day - so that's enough to make her want to do the same. :-)
Swim 30 Jan. Rachel stayed home with Asher and Anastasia (who was sleeping) and so we had a great time at the pool testing out the GoPro a bit more. Here is fun video (including slow motion which was fun).
I've learnt how to take photo snap shots off the videos too. Hezekiah had never jumped off the bench before and was so brave today. At first he started on the lower step and everyone was cheering him on. He wanted Dad to grab him as he landed. He did that just once and then went to the top. He didn't even hesitate too long and went for it - with loads of applause from the kids around. It was really cool to have them all supporting him like that.
And once he had jumped with Dad there for a couple of times, he even had the courage to do it on his own - realizing that he would automatically come up.
He had been doing some "jumping" from Dad's arms before, and then Hannah came over. She is too big, so had to go on his shoulders. She did a great diver that I only just got on video. The video didn't work, but this snap shot of the video was cool. Hezekiah then had a go on Dad's shoulders too and did a great job.
It was lovely to be able to get the time with them at the pool having fun like this.
Thankfully Asher got to swim at school today and it went fine. With them going more to the middle of the day it seems to not be such a trigger for seizures. She has her dark goggles, and I am just thrilled that she has gotten to go. So she didn't miss out completely today.

Today the carer took her to school and although she did need to direct her to the new classroom, once she was inside she found her desk and familiar things. What a relief.
She was also fine both Wed and Thursday at the end of the day. First playing in the sandpit and then today making bubbles. It was good that she was happily busy, and not at the gate rattling it to go home. So on the whole a very good start to the new year for her.
Asher had a more difficult day today. She was not herself in the morning and eventually I had to pick her up just after midday (she fought to even take her medicine which is never normally an issue at school). Thankfully she was ok through the afternoon and as you can see in the photo above - she didn't look sick at all. She didn't' want to eat much today and so something must be up. Hopefully its nothing serious.
This evening I got the step for Anastasia to climb onto. She had so much fun and was so proud of herself.
Ruth had a busy evening packing for her first kiwi-watch trip for the year tomorrow. With her best friend not going (and her mother) Ruth had to organize and carry all her food this time. Thankfully Rachel got two free tramping packs and let Ruth borrow one. It will be good to have the weight off her shoulders.
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