Sunday 20th: Asher got onto the new trap this afternoon (5:30pm) and ended up having a short seizure. It only lasted for about 10 seconds and she didn't sleep afterwards. It's been 6 weeks since her last seizure though, so we are thrilled. The last one was on the day of the pool party - and amazingly she didn't have a seizure while at the pools. I wondered about her not having any protein at lunch that day, so have made a real effort with that since then. She is also on a higher dose of her newer medication and also has a higher concentration of Hemp Oil (the proper
Charlotte's web oil from the Stanley brothers in America). So one or all of these things may be helping. We will just keep up with them all.
Monday 21st: Back onto the trap this afternoon - a bit earlier though (just after 3pm). Wonderfully no seizure and just a wonderful time of safe fun.
On the other tramp I just never felt safe with her as she is very unstable. I kept worrying she would fall over and fall off. Anastasia would also run so quickly and I didn't like the idea of her falling off either. So with the new tramp and it's net and hidden springs, I feel much more comfortable having these two out.

Anastasia loves the tramp just as much as Asher. She often stands at the window and watches the older children jumping. She will often bounce on the spot as she watches them. So I'm thrilled to be able to take her out for her own safe jumping sessions too now.
Asher did really well in following my instructions to jump on the circle (so handy having that mark). Later she started trotting around it.
Ruth headed off to an art course today for the next 3 days. As her best friend, Jess, is also doing the course, she was invited to just spend the two nights with them. So what a nice treat for her. Especially with Jess heading off to boarding school this year.
Brooke has been coming over often in the holidays. I was glad she came today as I would not have been able to take these two out on my own. After the time on the tramp they both enjoyed a swing. Interestingly, after Anastasia watched Asher this day, she now wants to go on that swing too. :-)
9:45pm moon rising was just beautiful.
Wednesday 23rd: Asher's new glasses arrived today. Everyone agrees they make her look older. Her previous glasses look like baby's glasses (and were baby pink). I think the lady gave great advice in helping me with choosing these.

Thankfully Asher qualifies for a "higher spectacle subsidy" and so we were able to get transition lenses again (so that they are automatically sun glasses when outside) at no cost to us. I had thought we would have to pay for this extra (as we did with her first pair), so were very pleased when we didn't have to.
You can also clearly see that the 2nd bottom tooth is out. It came out on Friday afternoon when she was at the carer.
Ok - so this is so super cute - but also SO dangerous. So after saying "clever girl for climbing on" I had to insist that she not do it again. We need to find a nice safe step for her to practice her climbing.
Just look how proud she is of her accomplishment. She is really enjoying climbing onto things at the moment, so we need to keep an eye on her.

Ruth brought this creation home as one of her pieces from the last 3 days. It's leaning over a bit - it's on wood. Both Anastasia and Asher both love this girl and keep going over to look at her. It was so funny to watch Asher look at her face and then look behind her - to try and work it out.
The other project shown below.
Thursday 24th: Anastasia enjoying a train ride by Hezekiah.

Saturday 26th: Hannah and Hezekiah had their Summer Reading party this afternoon. Ruth left early to help HYP with the set up. They ran the afternoon with loads of games for the children and then a lovely afternoon tea followed the prize giving.

Hezekiah doing a egg and spoon race. It was a bit tricky as they had lollies that they were balancing, and some were bigger than others which made it almost impossible for some of them. Loads of fun though.
Hezekiah sorted his outfit himself. He did a great job of creating an excellent Zoro.

Ruth helped Hannah dress as Mary Poppins. It was handy having the hat and skirt from her ballet concert.

Hannah ended up winning a prize for one of the 4 best dressed. Well done to both of you.
They allowed all the children who had not received a prize, to choose a book. Hezekiah didn't want to get one, but I suggested he look for one for Anastasia. He found a perfect one for her - a board book with dinosaurs. She has a really big one that she loves (but is a bit difficult with it being extra large). She was thrilled to have him read the book to her this evening.

Such a great brother. He let Asher sit and dance on him this evening too. :-) She does love this Christmas Wiggles DVD and knows all the dances off by heart. She often starts with the moves before they even start.

Ruth loves getting Asher and Anastasia doing things together. She is just so good with little children. This evening she decided to get both of them on her lap. Such fun. :-)
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