I made a video as I had so many photos.
Tuesday 1st Jan 2019. First children photo for this year.
And a fun day in town. Dad wasn't interested in the movie the kids wanted to watch, so he watched Anastasia while the rest of us were in the movie. Thankfully she fell asleep in her buggy. Asher was at a carer. So it was a nice treat to get to watch another movie with the children.

Wednesday 2nd: We managed to get a carer for Asher again this morning so that we could take the kids up to the lookout.
This back-pack is the one we bought when Rachel was a baby. So nice to be able to use it with Anastasia.
Perfect weather. Just so beautiful.
Again a video to include more photos from the day.
It got hot this afternoon, so Ruth enjoyed dressing Anastasia like Moana (you can guess what was on TV recently). :-)

Friday 4th: Ruth enjoying reading to Anastasia
and Asher.
Saturday 5th: It was so hot today that I suggested we head to the tea room for ice cream. Everyone was thrilled at the idea. Asher did really well (as we forgot her buggy) and Anastasia had a little bit (she still needs to stay off dairy).
Hezekiah and Hannah went for a swim later this afternoon. I was really moved by this big family who were at the pool. Apparently they were here on a previous day when Brendon had taken them. They included our two in their games and were so kind and friendly. It was really special.
Asher has also lost her first baby tooth. We had seen they were getting loose and saw the gaps growing between the teeth. Her right one is out but that left one is very loose (and you can see the gap between it and the next tooth - it almost looks like it's in the middle). It was so strange to not hear about the wiggly tooth for days or weeks before it came out. And we don't even know when it came out. So quite a different experience for us with Asher. I suspect it will be the same for most of her baby teeth.
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