It didn't take Asher long to find some balls. I had to smile when she took her school bag (which I just used for her weekend's clothes) and wanted it hung up. It hangs up at home and at school, so it was nice that it found a spot to hang. :-)
I got these photos later of them enjoying a walk to see the horses.
Having fun with swing ball when they got back from the walk. She had been in her buggy, so she just stayed in there (this helps stop her from trying to run somewhere or get onto the big trampoline in the garden).
Ruth took these photos in the evening. Asher enjoying a cowboy hat that she found.
And sitting with this HUGE kiwi while watching some TV before bed.
Brendon and I then had a lovely lunch and headed to the B&B in West Melton that we had booked. It was just 20 minutes from the respite home. So we were close enough if they felt they needed backup in a hurry. :-)
We arrived an hour before the official "check in" time but the couple were more than happy for us to arrive early. They were so welcoming. They opened their home to us and made it clear that we could have our own privacy in the separate lounge, or hang out with them. We did a bit of both. It was so relaxing and they were so hospitable.
It also helped that within minutes of chatting we learnt that they were also Christians. I had shown them a photo of the children and told their names. He immediately said "such nice strong Old Testament names" and so we connected on a deeper level too.
The couple headed out later in the afternoon but before they left they showed us how to use the hot tub. So as soon as Anastasia was asleep for her afternoon nap (which I knew would be at least 45 minutes) we headed out to enjoy it. He had mentioned that it had blue tooth, but it was only when we got out that we saw the speakers and realized we could have gotten our own relaxing music playing. It was relaxing enough without the music though. And this spot where Brendon is on the photos is a massage area. You lie back and get a lovely jet massage.
A beautiful afternoon, watching the sun set.
We enjoyed just relaxing and watching a movie in the evening. These fairy lights came on when it was dark and I had to take a photo for Ruth. She does love fairy lights.
Sunday 19th: I look a photo of the room before we left in the morning (and before lifting that blind above the bed so that the material can be seen). It suited my taste. I have always loved purple.
I could have taken loads more photos of all the unique things around the lounge and dining area. The light fittings were amazing (I forgot to take photos of them for Ruth - as I know she would have loved them). Ruth would have loved looking around at all the things. I couldn't resist getting a photo of these cats. The tallest is at least 1 meter high. I know Nana would love these.
A frosty start to the morning. This was the view from our breakfast table. And what a lovely breakfast it was. We felt so spoilt having everything brought to us, and then having all the dishes done for us afterwards too. What a treat. And they were so lovely, telling us that if we ever need another break we must please come again.
It was great to visit the Rolleston church as it was just 15 minutes from where we were.
We then got some pies for lunch before heading over to pick the girls up. Ruth showing us some of the circus tricks she has been doing. :-)

We picked up some pizza on our way home and enjoyed those with the family where Hannah and Hezekiah were staying. Asher decided she wanted to try Anastasia's car seat - which made us all smile.
Tuesday 21st: Anastasia was enjoying climbing over Brendon. I wanted to get a photo of her standing up next to him, but she got to excited with Hannah coming and was playing with her. It was lots of fun so still a nice photo.

I love how Asher is learning to get a book to read when we read the bible together in the evenings. I just loved how she had gotten herself comfortable this evening.
I'm not sure what set it off, but there were so many giggles and belly laughs from these two this evening. Ruth was crying she was laughing so much.
Anastasia getting up into a kneeling position so easily now. She has just gotten the idea of pulling herself up on things and so is loving it.
Wednesday 22nd: Rachel had a long shift in town today. So I was extra thankful to have Megan take Asher to school and stay with her till after the teacher aide's meeting was finished. Asher was more defiant getting ready this morning (she resisted Megan helping her for the first time - but was resisting me too). That seemed to carry through the whole day at school too and when she had a 1 minute seizure at 6pm, we guessed she must have just been having a bad day neurologically. That's only the 4th seizure this month, so on the whole it's been going well. She has also had 2 great weeks at school, so we keep our focus on all the good things. Bad days are going to happen. Again she knew this seizure was coming and jumped onto Brendon's lap just before it started.
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