Church camp time again. It's such a highlight for the children. They start counting down the weeks and days months before. It's always such a special time of catching up with so many friends.
It was a different camp site again this year with many things to be thankful for. There was this extra little lounge in the section where we were sleeping and that made a nice place for the little ones to play when it was just too cold outside.

There were wonderful outdoor facilities available but the icy wind kept it to a minimum. This lovely "flying fox" got used on Saturday a bit and Brendon went out there with Hezekiah for a ride on Sunday afternoon - braving the wind.

It was a beautifully clear day on Saturday - but chilly as you can see from all the long sleaves.

Brendon started pushing the girls around and then Hezekiah joined in. I eventually got on to get nicer photos.

Mekaela did a great job of keeping him safe. She and Rachel made friends so quickly and spent most of the weekend together.
Then we all decided to stand. Hezekiah sat between my legs for a bit.

It was lovely to get this time just playing with the girls and their friends.
Asher got some attention from some of the other girls too.

Keeping the children warm and distracted before dinner. We were pleased we brought the laptop with DVDs as a back up for forced indoor time. And a big basket of toys for Asher. And yes, one of Hezekiah's cars was included in that as she does love chewing on it's arial. :-)

Sunday's free time was not the outdoor fun that was anticipated (a wonderful slip n slide only got used a very few brave children). I always love how the older children and young adults involve the younger ones in their games though. Such a blessing and example of patience and kindness.

Lots of fun as a family here too.

Your Dad was a pro at this game when he was a boy.
Rachel's friends at camp. Mekaela was the speakers daughter - so a new friend there. Rebecca (left) and Rachel have been friends for many years now and it was great that they were able to pop in for a visit on Sunday as they had just gotten back from a long overseas trip the night before.

The girls taught Brendon and I how to play dutch blitz in the afternoon. It was so much fun and I think we will have to try make a plan to get a set of cards for the family.

Despite the wind Hannah made a lot of use of the trampoline with the younger children.

Hezekiah made use of this lovely path between the two main buildings with the bikes that we brought with. Unfortunately his black bike did not make it through the weekend. I think one of the older children did not realize how heavy there were and that they really have outgrown these little bikes.

Sunday evening saw a game of donkey getting started. They did not realize Brendon was the champ growing up - so he won the first round with just a D. I got a couple more photos before joining in myself. I should have made an effort to get some individual playing time in before though - as it's hard to get into when you only have 1 shot every 10 or so.

Once things quietened down on the table Brendon and I got to play a bit on our own. It felt good to get my eye in then. I can see why the Timaru church spend so much time around the table tennis tables they have - loads of social fun.

Ruth did amazingly well with her after 9pm bed times. She bunked with Rachel and some older girls / young ladies. Here they are playing some dutch blitz at 9:15pm.

Ruth headed to bed before Rachel this evening though (at 9:30) as Rachel stayed up for the question and answer session the speaker had with the "young" people at 9:30. It was wonderful to see so many of them there and apparently many great questions asked.

On Monday morning we set up the DVD player with "Cars" in the dining room before breakfast (to help distract Hezekiah as he waited) and I had to smile at the other older boys who were drawn in.
The wind died down a bit during the packing up session this morning and it was great to see so many people enjoying the time outside.
It was a great camp again in so many ways and I know the children will all be looking forward to next year.
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