By the time we got back at 9:30 though it was already starting to get hot. Thankfully it did rain in the afternoon which helped cool things off nicely. There was however a break in the rain late afternoon and it was terrible hot and humid for a while.
Tuesday 5th: The weather had said it would be cold today and we felt it first thing in the morning. Our hot cylinder is set at a really high temperature for when we need to fill the birthing pool - so I was reluctant to light a fire as it will just heat the water even more. Brendon made the fire for us so that it was ready if we needed it but I asked the girls to just dress warmly. Hezekiah loved having his slippers on. And what a cool top with pockets.
It rained a bit through the day too - so that kept the children indoors. By the time 6:30 came Brendon and I were both exhausted from the two younger ones who had cabin fever from not having enough time outside and were just really moany.
Wednesday 6th: Yesterday my physio friend had come around to do some more acupuncture in preparation for the labour (and to try help things get going). This was the 4th session as we started last Tuesday (then Thursday, Saturday). The first two sessions included help with my back but as it's been so much better yesterday she suggested a few exercises on the Gym ball. Unfortunately I think I overdid it (in my hopes to encourage baby to finally make it's entrance) and so when I got up early this morning I felt the pinched nerve pain again on both sides. Thankfully I did not allow it to stress me. I knew what I needed to do today - like not lifting Hezekiah or sitting for long periods and making sure I lay down regularly to allow the spine time to lengthen. I also knew that some of the ball exercises would also help - the kneeling ones - where I could also focus on really gentle small stretches to help ease the pressure in my lower back. Rachel was my big help again in getting Hezekiah out of bed and giving him his breakfast (as I could not sit to feed him).
We went for a walk after breakfast which was great for my back and then Hezekiah came and played with me on my bed and Rachel got a photo of us singing "Twinkle twinkle little star". I still need to get a video of him as he does it so nicely. No words obviously - but you can hear he knows the song. He actually sang it nicely for Grandpa and Nana one week - so I need to try and get a video of it.
It was a public holiday today - so although Brendon was working he was home by lunch time. After lunch he had Hezekiah outside with him getting some things done around the garden. Hezekiah had not slept in the morning and so he had a good nap in the afternoon.
We then had an early dinner and headed off to load some more wood (by now my back was feeling much better and the exercise and fresh air was also very welcome). We borrowed a friend's smaller trailer so that it was easier to pack. Although Hannah did help a little bit with loading - most of the work was done by the 4 of us - so Hannah took the photos. The one above was a bit out of focus and then this one to the right was nicely in focus but she just managed to cut the top of Brendon's head off (I have also cropped the extra off the sides and bottom). She was thrilled to be asked to take the photo.
Rachel then asked if she could get out and run a bit with her - so I got the photo on the right of the two of them running the last section before we got onto the proper road.
We got home, offloaded the trailer and then still managed to make our weekly call to Nana and Grandpa.
Thursday 7th: Not one photo taken today. It was such a busy day. It started with me having a horribly sore back again and this time the walk after breakfast did not help.

We have been alternating some of the "educational" toys that we bought for Rachel so many years back. It is amazing to see him trying to threat the shoelace through the holes already. Great fine motor skills.
Kerry asked if we would like visitors in the afternoon and it was just lovely having them come over.

My older two girls walked up to the school to meet the rest of the Spencer children and walk back with them. Then it was time for afternoon tea on the deck. It was lovely having all the children over for a visit (missing one in the photo).
And lovely for me to have the time to chat with Kerry.
When we arrived there were 2 families enjoying a game of passing a golf ball (and diving down to get it when it was dropped). Rachel had such a great time joining in with them. She learnt to go so much deeper without even thinking about it (because she was thinking about getting the ball before the Dad).
I finally decided to get in myself too. Since baby got into that funny position 2 weeks ago I have avoided the pool - worrying that the lack of that extra gravity might allow baby to pop out again. I did not swim but rather had a walk and it was really lovely. My back had been worrying me again through the day but the time in the pool helped it so much. That little bit of less gravity was great for the disks in my spine - just giving that bit of a break from the weight.
Cool photo too Brendon - with Rachel mid dive.
And so ends our week of waiting. 8 days over the due date now and everyone praying that baby will arrive soon.
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