Brendon and Rachel visited on Saturday afternoon. My view from the 5th floor. Really beautiful. |
After monitoring baby's heart for a while I got a quick scan. Baby's head had moved from my left ribs to my right ribs during the trip in and had it's spine over the top and coming down my left side. So presenting part was now feet. An "unstable lie" and if waters break in this position it would be an emergency c-section.
So this was the doctor's suggestion:
Nico Oberholzer who I got to visit on Sunday. Born at 34 weeks. Now 10 days old. |
Otherwise - if baby does not turn on it's own by Monday - they do a procedure to try and turn baby. If baby gets head down they break waters and induce labour.
Their goal here is to avoid having the emergency c-section and to have a "natural" delivery. Brendon and I had a lot of discussion with the doctor about their suggestions and eventually they understood that we were not happy to rush things. To break waters and induce labour is just not something we will consent to at this stage.
So it was agreed that I would stay in hospital over the weekend, have a scan on Monday and then re-discuss with them our plan at that stage.
Brendon and I agreed that when he came to visit on Saturday he would bring all of baby's things (we never did pack a bag with our plan for everything to happen at home). It had to be realistic that at this stage it was more than likely I would be having baby in hospital - before I would be heading home. I was so thankful for the peace that God gave me through this time. I remembered how terrified I was of having to go to hospital when I was pregnant with Rachel. So it was good to feel a total peace and no fear at all. It sure helped having Brendon so strong beside me - taking such a strong stand for keeping things as natural as possible. Sandy had also told me that she had chatted to Maureen (my midwife with Hannah and Hezekiah who has now retired) and if I did have to have baby in hospital they would both be there for me. What a blessing.
I had this strapped up to me a number of times over the weekend. |
On Saturday the midwives agreed that it felt like baby was head down and the heart beat was picked up nice and strong - low down on my tummy. So I was very pleased. I then started my walking to try and encourage baby to stay head down.
Another visit with Nico on Monday. Awake and just about to get weighed. |
Yvonne is doing such a great job. |
On Sunday I headed down to see if I could visit Yvonne. Nico was born 10 days before at just 24 weeks. So she was only meant to have him after my baby. It was great to get to see them both and to get a photo of him to put on face book for her. So it was nice to have the iPad which allowed that.
Otherwise it was a quiet day on Sunday. The staff are all lovely and I have gotten to know a few faces of those who don't even work on my side of the floor as I do my walks around the whole floor. A few people smile or make a friendly comment almost every time I walk past. :-) I have also had lovely chats with the different midwives and have been so blessed by their positive attitude and their hope that I can get home to have this baby. I just love the fact that they are ALL for keeping things as natural as possible. What a blessing.
I can also make the note here that the food has been just lovely. I have obviously missed out on my daily berry smoothy with spirulina - but thankfully my supplements have helped keep my energy levels up. I did notice on Saturday morning though that I was not able to make it from breakfast to lunch. I had a chat to the staff and they made a note that I need a morning and afternoon snack. Just that little extra of a cracker and cheese in the morning and a yoghurt in the afternoon made all the difference. The meals were really tasty with loads of veggies which pleased me. I was also able to avoid bread for lunch each day which was an added bonus for me. I could enjoy things like a fish bake or mushroom risotto which suited me wonderfully. And to have pudding each night was a treat too. Sago was on the menu at one point and I could not resist. It brought back all the memories from my childhood - Dad making chocolate sago pudding. Thanks to fb he reminded me that it was chocolate milk flavouring that he added to make it chocolate - so I will make a plan to get some and make it for my children. I hope they enjoy it as much as I did as a child.
I decided I would use the bit of time I had before the scan to get a really good walk in. So I put my sneakers on and got walking. Instead of doing the whole lap - I decided to focus on this nice long passage as then I did not have to walk past too many people. So up and down I went - trying to encourage baby to get a bit lower. I got a nice lot of reading done too.
The scan went really well. Baby's head was just in the pelvis when he started. With baby's head measurement he said "not a big baby" but was not at all worried about the fact that it was coming up at a 35 week size. When he got the other measurements it sure made up for it as it still estimates baby's weight to be about 3,5kg. So another tall baby on the way. :-) It was reassuring to see a nice healthy placenta and that it was nice and high. It's been lower with the others and with it being high it makes the risk of a prolapsed cord a bit less. When the placenta is low down there is more chance of there being more cord hanging around there. By the end of the scan baby had moved up a little and so he could check and see that there was no cord in the area. The cord was also working really well and there is more than enough fluid around baby. So all great news - hopefully enough to help the doctors relax and let me go home.
After my scan I got to visit Yvonne again which was lovely as Nico had just woken up. He needed to be weighed and it was great to see how much he had put on. Again nice to get some photos for Yvonne too.
Eventually just after 2 Brendon phoned to ask if I knew when the doc would be around again. I suggested he just phone the midwives and as them. Well that worked like a bomb and the doc was around within 15 minutes. She said "I hear your husband has phoned to ask when he can come and fetch you." :-) I know Brendon was very polite - just explaining that he did need to plan the afternoon with the almost 3 hours of travelling that picking me up would involve - including organizing dinner for us all. So I had a chat with the doc and although she would prefer me (and every other mother who does not have an engaged baby at 39 weeks) to be close to the hospital - she was happy for me to head home.
Brendon got to the hospital at around 4. We got some shopping done (specifically loading up on lots of fruit) and then had Burger King for dinner. I was surprised to watch Hezekiah polish off almost an entire burger. Not the ideal meal on my list - but after the wonderful food I had over the weekend it was nice to have something that was such a treat for the children. And to be honest - I do always enjoys their Hawaiian Chicken burger with bacon and pineapple - the standard choice for Brendon, Rachel and I.
The girls schedule was filled on Sunday - so I will have to see about getting something set up for Feb now. The stickers and chocolate motivation worked really well. Brendon was a bit more lenient with the weekend - so they all got chocolates this week. Both Ruth and Hannah missed out on 2 of the 4 chocolates this month. So they know they have to work to earn it.
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