Ruth has been enjoying playing around on the piano lately. What I enjoy about her playing is that it is gentle and soft - not the typical banging that most young children produce. I also thought it was lovely the way she uses both hands and all her fingers. You can also hear Hannah in the background. It's so nice to have her feeling better. What a wonderful sound. She had almost 6 days of no talking at all. So it makes us thankful for little things.

Dad had the day off today but was off to town by 8am. He did some shopping and then went to have 3 fillings done. It cost even more than we had expected. The appointment was for 11:20 and he sure did not feel like eating afterwards. So by the time he got home around 1 he was starving. He managed to eat a few things but I made roast chicken for dinner so that at least he could have his favorite meal today.

We got our Application sent off today and were glad that we could already include our medical report. Brendon had dropped them at the Medical Centre on his way to town this morning with a note for the doctor that did our Residency Medicals. We were hoping he would remember us well enough that another consultation would not be necessary. We got a lovely surprise this afternoon when we got a call saying the forms were ready. So Rachel and I went to pick them up after fetching the car. What a blessing.

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