This morning we painted the grass on this week art project - and yes - the girls used their toes. They thought this was so much fun.

We had a lovely juice this morning as I finally remembered to make the yogurt last night which I used as a base and added fruit.
After "morning tea" we made some popcorn which I coloured pink (I added food colouring to the butter and then sprayed that on). As soon as I brought the page out though Hannah took her socks off. She wanted to paint with her toes again. :D
She also did more eating than decorating. Rachel took her time and looked for the pinkest pieces she could find.

Our popcorn blossom trees.

Time to eat the left overs.

Just after I took the photo I moved them onto the carpet. Once they were finished I said "let's quickly
vacuum up this mess" and off Hannah went to fetch the
vacuum. She really has a fascinations with it. My little helper.

The idea for next weeks art project comes from all the trees around are garden. We have been watching as more and more leaves appear.

This afternoon's fun! We have a new portable phone that came with an extra extension. And the two phones work as an intercom. Rachel had been busy upstairs and so we "gave her a call". The girls speak to their Grandpa and Nana every week on
Skype, but they never get to talk on the phone. So they thoroughly enjoyed this today (many times).

Such simple things can be so much fun.

Ruth was excited to go meet Dad with the umbrella this afternoon. Thankfully it was not actually raining when he got home and so they got to enjoy some time in the puddles. I made sure Hannah had her boots on today because she always wants to walk through the water. She had so much fun.
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