This little bunny is
definitely living around our home. We often see it hopping around the house.

The girls did their own jumping. It was Hannah who came up with the idea but Ruth joined in the fun.

Hannah will often sit and play on her own. Here she is under the tent playing with some teddies (and having a chew - those eye teeth are still worrying her a little).

The girls were surprised today to have me put the paint on their hands.

Normally I help Hannah first and then take
her off to get cleaned while the other two carry on. Today I did helped the older girls with their hand prints first so they could go wash while I helped Hannah. She was very patient in waiting for her turn.

And we were really happy with the results. Our trees will get blossoms added on Friday.

Rachel had a lesson on how to clean the bathroom. The younger two wanted to watch everything.

This evening we have tried something different. Normally the girls go to bed at 7:30 but Hannah is
guaranteed to chat and sing till at least 8. So we allowed the girls to stay up till 8 on condition that they did something quietly. So Rachel's obvious choice is reading.

Hannah spent 15 minutes quietly playing with some toys....

while Ruth started a puzzle.

The 2
nd 15 min they both spent sitting quietly reading. It was nice for me to get the quite time to get my own reading done.

And although Hannah did not fall asleep straight away, she was a lot quieter and did get to sleep a lot quicker.
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