Friday, February 27, 2009

Hats, Boots and Free Apples

Rachel's Brownie Registration finally happened today. It had been postponed because of rain the last two weeks and so it was good to finally get things going. They had organized a BBQ and walk and it was nice for the grandparents to meet her leader and most of the girls.
Here is Ruth with a "Cat in the Hat" hat that she found in the toy box.
We finally found Rachel a pair of gumboots (she had nice snow boots but they were way too hot). So other than Hannah, we all have our boots. And we have all been making good use of them in the garden.
We now know how to check when apples are ripe and so have been checking the road-side apple trees regularly. Well one of the trees has ripened earlier than the others and so over 40 apples were picked today and I made a nice big pot of apple sauce. Once we are back from our holiday there will probably be many more ripe and so I will be busy bottling apple slices, making dried apple slices as well as more apple sauce.

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