Friday 15th: She loves being outside too. She wanted to sweep the tramp today.
She was pleased to be allowed to let the chooks out.
They let her get really close.
Ruth decorated a cake with fondant for the Hawarden Show tomorrow. All those photos will have to go on their own post.

Thursday 21st: Netball trials today. Unfortunately Ruth did not make the A team. Apparently the other girl who had hoped to make the A team and didn't, has decided to not even play in the B team. Well done Ruth for your positive attitude. Hopefully your hard work will pay off.
Friday 22nd: Dad helping Anastasia enjoy a ride on a scooter.
Sunday 24th: Anastasia loves dancing in the kitchen. We call her "Happy Feet".
Tuesday 26th: Ruth just loves getting cuddles from Anastasia.
Thursday 28th: Anastasia loves helping me pack Asher's Pediasure onto the shelf. She started by pulling the straws off, but eventually learnt to take the lids off too.
Ruth has been creative and making some decorations for her room.
Sunday 31st: I spotted this plant and watned to show the girls (especially Ruth). It is so unique. It just has the one flower and if you touch the leaves they die. You water it by pouring water into the middle of the plant.
BELOW: Monday 1st April: Children's photo.
Wednesday 3rd: These two had so much fun dancing on the quilt on the floor today. Something different made such a fun game for them.

Good jumping Asher. You jumped right out of the shot.

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