Only 30 St John Cadets achieved this award this year in the whole of New Zealand. Rachel was also pleased to see that the date on her certificate was when she finished all the criteria, in March this year, while she was still 16. She had it as her goal to get it all finished while still 16 and she did it. Many Cadets only finish it by the time they are 18, and it can still be worked on till 25 years old.
We got great seats just behind all the Cadets, and noticed that out of all the under 18s Rachel was the only one with Cadet Leader (the 3rd and highest rank).
We were pleased that the ceremony was in Christchurch this year, so that we could be there with her.
It was a very special ceremony as it was the first time they combined this with the Investiture of new Members to the Order of St John. Rachel was so pleased to be able to watch the Investiture.
It was also really special to see how Christian the whole St John Order is. So many other organizations loose the Christian influence from their founders over the years (like Scouts ad Girl Guides) but Brendon pointed out that because the Queen is the head of the Order, she has been able to keep that Christian influence there.
The service was at the "Cardboard Cathedral" in Christchurch. I specifically took photos of the building so that I could show Ruth. I knew she would be fascinated with the whole design of it. The roof is like giant cardboard rolls (like when you finish your roll of foil).
Beautiful stained glass at the back.
Even the lecterns and other furniture had the "cardboard roll" theme. Very clever and effective.

Rachel had a couple of hours at home, and then headed out again to the Home School Formal. I quickly got this photo before she left. Thankfully they have a photo booth at the formal, so I got a lot of other fun photos from the event. Such special memories.
So special to have a night with such special friends.
So much fun.
They can do formal too. :-)
Special memories.
I love how all these beautiful ladies show how stunning long dresses can be. All very modest but all so beautiful.
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