Asher enjoyed brushing Hannah's hair this evening. Hannah didn't enjoy it all that much though. Thanks for your patience Hannah.
Sunday 6th: I have been wanting to split these bulbs for ages, and so I finally got out there today. I wonder how many years they have been in here?
BELOW: I just spread them out along the wall. I only did 2 of the 3 bunches, so I have even more to do next year. We have loads of daffodils at the garage, so I plan to put a row of them in front of these next year too. There are some daffodils here, and that's what gave me the idea.
Ruth created a new colour slime with two others she had.

Ruth really likes helping Asher do things. This evening she helped her slice some cheese. Asher was so pleased.
Monday 7th: Rachel started a defensive driving course this afternoon. There will be 10 hours of lectures over the next two weeks (Monday and Wednesday afternoons) and then she will have a driven test with the assessor. Getting this course done will allow her to go for her full licence in October (at just 17 1/2 years old).
Tuesday 8th: School photo day today. I tried to get the outside photo similar to last year, but it was rather windy. It's probably not the best time of year to be trying to get an early morning photo outside.
So I took an inside one as well.
Ruth - year 8. Hannah - year 6. Hezekiah - year 2. Asher - year 1.
We had Asher's IEP (Individual Educational Plan) meeting this afternoon before school finished. Anastasia was great and just fell asleep in my arms - while looking around at everyone. It was a excellent meeting with lots of positive feedback on things that are going well. It's also good to discuss "next steps" and talk through some of the issues. I am again so very thankful for the team of ladies that are supporting Asher.
I'm pleased Asher was able to be a part of the school photos today. She had a seizure at 3:45pm, so I was glad it had not been earlier in the day. She wasn't feeling great this evening and so I eventually got her to lie down with me.
Wednesday 9th: She had another seizure today at 1:15pm. The teacher aides all had a meeting at 11, so Rachel had gone up to help watch Asher while they were busy. It wasn't long after Rachel left that she had the seizure. She had refused to eat lunch too. I started wondering if she had a UTI as she had been touching herself a bit before school this morning and was refusing to drink or eat at school.
So as soon as Brendon was home I headed to the doctor's rooms with Asher. Her temperature was slightly up. Ears, throat and chest all seem fine, but her urine has blood in it. So she most likely does have an infection. They will send the sample off for testing, but we made the decision to start antibiotics this evening already. We are hoping that by getting her over the infection quickly, we will reduce the amount of seizures she has due to it.
Thursday 10th: Another seizure today at 12:20pm, just as she was about to start her cross country practice with her class. I'm glad we have started the antibiotics, and hopefully they will start working soon and this run of seizures will stop.
Ruth and I had a long day in town. As a final precautionary check, she had a heart scan this morning. She has a few markers of Marfan Syndrome, and although her specialist thinks it's unlikely, he agreed that as we don't have any family history for Ruth, it would be good to just check that all is fine with her heart. She does get chest pain at times, so it will give me peace of mind knowing that her heart is ok.
She also had an optometrist appointment - and has new glasses ordered. She had a check-up in September last year with Hannah, and although there was a very small change, they felt her glasses were still fine. Over the next few months though, her eyes changed so much that the reading section of her bifocals became fuzzy. Her eyes have been getting tired, so we knew she would need a new prescription. I'm again so glad we have a Community services card and that her glasses are fully funded. Even with her needing bifocals again. Anastasia was a star with all the stops and bits of shopping we also managed to get done.
Friday 11th: Asher's class showed some of their art at assembly today. In an attempt to include Asher, they kept her in her buggy. She was not at all interested in holding her art, but was happy to clap for them all. :-) It was good to try something different and every time she is involved will help her learn a bit more.

Only then did I realize that it was actually Hannah under it all. So I suggested that she stick her hands out too. So they went out again and this photo was one of the fun results.
I headed to squash again this evening. Ruth and Hannah went to Youth, and so Jens came to play with Hezekiah while the girls were all out. Youth only starts from age 7, so it was nice that the boys got time to play too.
It was a very busy day for Rachel today. She started with a introductory hair dressing course in town today. It goes on for 6 weeks, each Friday. After that she went for an interview at Vbase - the catering company she did her hospitality course with during the holidays. Then she rushed home to get a lift to the St John Competitions camp in Hamner for the weekend. So it was a very full day for her.
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