It was pink shirt day today and so the children were encouraged to wear a pink shirt in support of "anti bullying". Hezekiah was not that excited about wearing one of Hannah's pink tops, and neither was I. But I explained why it was happening and what he was telling everyone by wearing it (even if he didn't like it) and so he got really positive about it. I even got used to it by the end of the day. :-)

I asked Rachel to take a photo today of something at her hair dressing course. They did some practicing on putting foils on today.

This evening Ruth headed off to the Junior Formal. We are thankful to a friend for lending her a dress for the night. When we arrived for the bus I mentioned getting a photo and she said "no - that's embarrassing". Well, her friend said the same thing to her mum.

This was one of the many photos taken on the night. A special one with her friends.
He got these lovely photos of her. On reflection a couple of weeks later I realized how good this camera really is - much better than the camera on my phone. So although really convenient using my phone, I know that when things are a bit further away - I need to use my proper camera.
My request was also that he take Asher with, hoping that she would be happy to just sit in her buggy. Unfortunately she started crying as soon as they arrived and would just not leave the car. So she ended up just sitting in the car with the iPad the whole game. Brendon managed to take those photos through the fence as he had thankfully parked right where they were playing. So I was pleased he did at least get to watch her play.
Hannah and Hezekiah had decided that they wanted to go with too, so it was a nice morning out for them, and good to give Ruth the support. It's hard that we can't be there every week to watch her, but when she signed up she knew that it would not be practical for us to attend often. So I'm glad we could make the effort and get some of us there to watch her.
Anastasia has found her feet.
Such a cutie.
It's been so wet lately that Rachel has not gotten to plant her bulbs as early as she had hoped. She managed to get out there today though and I'm sure it's going to look amazing when they all come up.
Making the most of the sunny weather and almost dry ground and getting the grass cut. The children were a great help in collected piles and piles of branches that have fallen off the huge willow tree.7
Sunday 20th: We had the horrible experience of having a mouse try and make our car it's home. It tried to make a nest in the glove box and left our car stinking so terribly. Brendon took care of the mouse - he ended up catching 3 mice in the garage, 3 days in a row (he found the perfect spot for the trap). The stink however - was not taken care of - no matter how many times the glove box was cleaned. We realized it was probably all the carpets that were stinking - so finally decided to just hire the rug doctor machine and give the car's carpets and chairs a good wash. Ruth enjoyed seeing how it worked and help Brendon get it all done. What a relief to finally have that smell gone.

Monday 21st: Anastasia enjoying a nap next to Anakin this morning.

He is such a big cat. At this stage still bigger than Anastasia.

Tuesday 22nd: Another fun game. This time peek-a-boo. Ruth gets Anastasia to move around and look for her in different areas.

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