I like this action shot. :-)
We missed cutting the grass on the weekend, so Brendon cut it this afternoon before his karate. He asked if Asher wanted to go on with him. She didn't hesitate at all and had such a great time with him.

Rachel was excited about her new cake tins arriving today, as well as a dress she had ordered. The tins were expensive, so we used some of her prize money and the rest is my birthday present to her. She is really hoping to be able to start a little business making cakes, so it's important to have good tins. Two of each size as well as the straight edge. The set includes the huge 12 inch one, so she will even be able to do wedding cakes in time.
Thursday 29th: Brendon hurt his back picking Asher up yesterday and through this morning he just go so very sore. Thankfully he managed to see the local physio at lunch time and she told him he couldn't go back to work. He is also not allowed to pick anything up for at least two days.
At 2 Brendon and I headed up to the school for Hannah's student led conference. It went really well.
She could show us what she has been doing and we got to chat about what her next goals are. I also notices two areas that were related to her insecurity and worry about the children laughing at her. So it was good to get to chat to the teacher about this and let her know about Hannah's concerns.

ABOVE RIGHT: Brendon and Hezekiah headed off to fetch the eggs this afternoon and enjoy a treat at the tea rooms.
LEFT: Ruth's class made a Jewish bread today. She was pleased with doing a 4 strand braid. Great job Ruth.
She decided to give it to Rachel (the rest of us can't have much wheat). Rachel was heading off this afternoon for the St John Easter Camp. It's a leadership camp that they run each year. Rachel had been invited to attend as a DI (Drill Instructor) but was pleased to find out that even though she would be "staff" on the camp, she could also complete her "Cadet Leader" training. The 3rd and final "promotion" she can attain in St John Youth. So it was great that she could benefit so much from the camp. She left this afternoon and will only be back on Monday.
Friday was a quiet day at home with Dad resting his back.
Saturday 31st: We headed off to town early this morning to fetch Brendon's new glasses and had decided to then go to Willowbank. Hannah could not remember it at all and Hezekiah and Asher have never been. So it was a nice treat for the family. I'll put all the photos on their own post.
We got some shopping done after Willowbank including getting two extra tennis rackets (just $8 each) and some tennis balls so all three of them can play together. They had a great time in the road this afternoon (photo taken at 5:15pm).
Ruth decided to spend some of her savings on buying Easter eggs. I had bought some cheap bunnies for them but she was so excited about hiding eggs on Sunday morning.

Anastasia enjoying the ExerSaucer I managed to get for her for $10. Chatting away to Hezekiah who was telling her all about the different animals around her.
Sunday 1st: Unfortunately Ruth woke with a terrible cold and was just exhausted. Brendon was preaching this morning, so I just kept Ruth, Asher and Anastasia at home with me.
A couple of times through the morning Asher went up to Ruth and gave her a big hug or climbed up to sit or lie with her. Asher had a runny nose on Friday, so she probably passed it to Ruth originally.
Brendon's back was feeling much better today and so he managed with the afternoon work he had to do.
Monday 2nd: Another quiet day at home. Rachel arrived home in the afternoon and it was nice to sit as a family and listen to all the stories she had to tell from their eventful weekend (including the Westpac Helicopter having to come and take a girl to hospital due to a bad asthma attack).

Tuesday 3rd: Unfortunately that play must have just been too much and at 1am Brendon woke from a massive spasm in his back again. Pain killers didn't even help and so he had many hours of pain. Thankfully after a number of phone calls I managed to find a Chiropractor that had an opening at 11:30 (a cancellation that just opened up). So Brendon, Anastasia and I headed off to that. I'm glad it was today with places open and Rachel home to watch the other children. The schools were closed today, so they were all home with her.
Rachel then headed off to St John and the rest of us to Bible Study. The children had such a fun time playing outside again. And eventually it was so dark and cold out that they came inside and continued having so much fun.
Hezekiah had been picked up at 1:30 and spent the afternoon with this family, so their fun time together was nice and long today.
Steve brought his new puppy to study this evening which the children were thrilled about. They all wanted a photo with him.

Wednesday 4th: Brendon's back was so much better today and so he was back to work. Ruth has helped to give him massages to try help the muscles relax more. We've booked a follow up appointment for him for next Monday, to just make sure the joints stay in their right places now.

Brendon and Hannah heading off for their "parent-child outing" today.
BELOW: I finally got the children's monthly photo this afternoon.
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