Not a full family photo with Brendon taking the photo and Rachel on camp this weekend.
I went and checked and we came almost 7 years ago to the day. It was 30 March 2011 that we took this photo in about the same spot. It's incredible to think that Hannah is now the age that Rachel was in this photo (10). And Asher is just a bit older than the age that Ruth was (4 1/2 were Asher is 5). And we have 3 more children.

Hannah and Hezekiah just loved the black swan.
Technology can be great. They have codes on the information boards that you can scan on your phone and then listen to the bird or animal's noise.

Asher enjoyed feeding these deer.
And these geese.
Unfortunately a sad change from our last visit is that the wallabies have lost their interest in the visitors and stay on the other side of the enclosure. So we got a look from far. Far from the close up experience we had last time.
This was from 2011. Such a wonderful experience that it was a highlight for us. So this time it was rather disappointing for the older of us who remember this. I'm not sure if they were just not hungry today, or if they are not as tame now. We saw children running towards birds, so it may be that they just know to rather keep their distance now.
Such a beautiful day for it.
Hezekiah asked for a photo with this pretty bird.
The monkeys were very cute. Especially when this little baby decided to play and then get a ride.

My little monkey enjoying the swing (such a good idea to have these at a few places through the walk for active little boys).

Some beautiful fungi I spotted.

And it was nice to see the otter's moving about too.
Such a colourful bird.
At first the gibbons were way back in the enclosure. Thankfully the younger ones decided he wanted a play and we had so much fun watching them.
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