She then asked if I wanted to have a look at baby. Yes, of course! :-) So we headed next door for another scan. It was lovely to get to see baby again, growing so nicely. She asked if I wanted her to check for any Down Syndrome indications which I did. Again she was not able to see the nasal bone and another negative was that the middle bone of the small finger was also not visible. On a positive note though - baby's arm and leg measurements were looking perfect (with Down Syndrome they are often a bit slower in developing).
While on the topic I will finish the details of the rest of the week.

Although Hezekiah has been coughing for 2 weeks now, as seen in this photo, he is feeling fine. The cough has gotten worse over the last couple of days, so I wanted to just check that his chest was clear. Asher was so busy during the visit that the doctor said although she has a very sore throat, it is most likely all viral. It was good to know we were not missing anything more serious and it's just a matter of giving them time to get over it.
Tuesday 16th: Asher missed Champion Centre this morning and I suggested that Ruth stay home too. By morning tea she was already looking much better, but just used the day to rest. She was clearly feeling better though as she created this huge tent for them to play in this afternoon.
Wednesday 17th: Asher was well enough to go to preschool today and had a great time.
Thursday 18th: With Rachel away this week Ruth has been sleeping on the bottom of Hezekiah's bunk bed. Asher has gotten into the habit of heading to her in the morning. Ruth likes this alarm.
I got a call yesterday afternoon to ask if I could get to the lab in town for my blood test. It would normally be rather hard as Rachel works on Thursday morning. Brendon however had seen the doctor yesterday and started antibiotics this morning. His cough had developed into a chest infection, so he had two days at home to properly rest and recover. His chest was so sore this morning that I was relieved he could get started on the antibiotics today. I think we both just assumed his was also viral and left it a bit long before getting it sorted.
Friday 19th: The primary school alternates between a primary assembly (with parents invited) and then a singing assembly. Today was a singing assembly and Ruth got a certificate for "a wonderful effort with your Current Events, gaining Extended Abstract level!" She worked really hard this week to achieve it (especially having lost out on Monday and Tuesday). Her goal was to get this level as she knew she would be the first in her class to achieve it. Well done Ruth.
Saturday 20th: Today Ruth and Hannah attended a "Sibling day" in town run by Parent to Parent. The Sampson's brought Rachel to the venue as they got back from camp yesterday. Rachel and I then headed to an audition for Sound of Music. Rachel didn't get a call back, but made a new friend and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. The director who was on stage with them through the audition was so eccentric and so much fun. It sounded like a wonderful experience and so I am glad she got to try out.
Rachel and I then got some shopping done and she got to get some driving time in town. She did really well on the roads, however the parking was a challenge. So we need to get time to practice parking in a quiet environment.
We enjoyed a magnificent sunset on our way home.
Sunday 21st: New friends joined us at church this morning and then came and had lunch with us afterwards. The children had a great time playing.
Monday 22nd: School photos today. So I thought it would be a great time to get a family school photo each year. Ruth is in Year 7 now and so they have to wear the "proper" winter uniform for Year 7-10. Year 11-13 change to white shirts with ties.

For the two turns after the photo I came over and held her other hand. She got a much nicer jump down with hands to either side. Some of the children are able to jump down on their own and others need one hand held. Asher only feels comfortable having both hands held, but so enjoys it and is learning about taking turns and waiting patiently. Such fun and learning.
It was cross country this afternoon. I will leave all the photos for the next post.
While I was out with Rachel for St John, Asher had a 1 min Tonic Clonic (6:30pm). It was great that she had a 10 day break.
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