Right: Really pushing herself for that last 100m.
Brendon is hoping they can start training a couple of months before athletics starts next year. He really enjoyed running with her.
Little Miss often comes and lies by my feet. That tummy is getting so big now. She still has more than a month to go.
Sunday 6th: Kiri keeping Hannah company while she does dishes.

We forgot to take a photo of Kiri at Sunday school, so one in the car on the way home had to do.
Last photo added, Hannah making "fruit salad" this evening for desert.
Asher had a 1 minute Vacant seizure at midday, during church lunch. Thankfully she didn't even need a nap and had her lunch straight afterwards.
Monday 7th: As soon as I had picked Asher up from preschool, we headed over to Culverden to watch Ruth. I was worried I would be a bit late, but we arrived with enough time to have a little chat before her race.
She had a good 6 girls in front of her, but there were a number of girls behind her too. It was so helpful to have a big group of girls to run with.
And they pushed her to run her heart out. I was watching her 200m splits and I was amazed at how fast she was going. And she kept it up the whole way. She finished in 4 min 37 seconds. Amazing to knock 37 seconds off her time.
And then it was time for high jump. She jumped her best height on Wednesday, 102cm. Today they started on 100cm, so she didn't get much time to get into things. Unfortunately she didn't clear 100cm today. It was a great opportunity though and good to get the extra experience.
The fruit on the left of the plate was from the freezer, so she had to let those defrost first.
So we did 5 minute rounds. 2 people would play Battleships while another 2 played Mancala.
Rachel had bought Cluedo and Mancala last month, so it was nice to get to show Dad how to play it. And Hezekiah got the battleships for his birthday, and it was great to be able to get to play with them too.
We scored up each round and Hannah won. Well done Hannah. And thank you Ruth for a fun evening.
Tuesday 8th: Another angle of that big tummy. She must surely have more than 3 kittens in there. We are still amazed that we didn't notice that Puss was pregnant until the night she gave birth.
And then I got one from the top too - to show how much that tummy is sticking out on the sides. I knew she would follow me when I got up, so I just took the camera with. She has been following me around a lot lately. We are all really looking forward to having kittens again.
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