Friday 9 October: It was lovely to have Kerry come and visit today with her youngest 3. Katie and Hannah had a great time together.
The 3 boys had a great time too.
I had been sharing with Kerry how I am needing to accept the fact that life is just more difficult with Asher's need to be constantly (and vigilantly) supervised. And while these 4 were on the tramp, Asher had a vacant seizure. I was really impressed with the boys as they all stopped and kept quiet as soon as I said "wait" and checked on her. She had gotten suspiciously quiet, and on talking to her I saw that she was having a vacant one. I quickly got her inside so I could monitor her breathing well. Thankfully it only lasted about 2 1/2 minutes.

She didn't sleep after this one and headed outside to the tramp again. At one point Rachel needed me in the kitchen, so Kerry offered to watch Asher and I headed in to help. It all happened really quickly, but the message quickly got to me that Asher was having another seizure. This time it was a 1 1/2 minute Tonic Clonic and she needed a good long sleep after it. I had thought a bigger one might still be coming, so I wasn't too surprised (specifically because she didn't sleep after the earlier one). And thankfully I had just finished with the kitchen job, so I could just sit with Asher while she slept.
It was lovely having Kerry with through the morning and just being able to share a bit of our "normal life" with someone else. And it's always great to have a catch up with her too.
Ruth took this photo of Shadow and Puss. It's been great to see how Puss has relaxed with Shadow around. Shadow was relaxed with her from the moment she arrived, but it took Puss a while to realize how gentle she is.

Around lunch time Ruth headed off for her Pre-Jamboree camp. She had to pack as if she was going to Jamboree (with the only change being clothes for 3 days rather than 7).
She used the same box that Rachel used for her Jamboree 4 years ago. Ruth was pleased to be wearing a Guide top too. She is still in Brownies and will move up to Guides by the end of this term.
I was so very thankful that the Guide leader was going to camp too, and so could give Ruth a lift.

And then later in the afternoon, Rachel headed off to the St John National Squad Selection weekend camp. Again thankfully she had a lift for most of the trip, and we only needed to get her to Amberley.

Saturday 10th saw us out in the garden again through the morning.
Enjoying some sun on the tramp.
Isn't he such a cutie.

He loves using the "poop scoop". He had been dragging them on the ground though, so I told him he should lift them a bit. So he lifted them way up.
Getting some more gardening done with Dad.
Our "neighbours to be" (who are building next door) were around today working on their drive. Their son was with today and although his autism makes him rather nervous around people, he was eventually won over by Hannah and Hezekiah's friendliness and even came into our property to plan on the tramp. It was great seeing them having so much fun.
I had to smile this evening when the kids where playing with Brendon. Hannah and Hezekiah had been doing some "play fighting" with Brendon, and Asher wanted in on it too. So they stood in a line and took turns trying to hit Dad's hands without getting their own hands caught.
He is such a great Dad and I am so thankful for him.
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