It was lovely to have a catch up with the Campbells (these children are all growing up so quickly) and I remembered just before they left on Friday morning (22nd) to ask Michelle to get a new family photo for us.
We only realized after they left that Hezekiah has all four eye teeth pushing through at the same time. So no wonder we did not have the normal happy face for the photos.

Asher has made it clear that she was NOT interested in leaving her mother just yet - and so has spent much time sleeping on my like this in this first week. There was one day where Brendon was holding her and she was niggling and just not settling - despite him trying this position and any other that might work. As soon as I took her from him she quietened down and then fell asleep like this. So we are just being extra indulgent this week and giving her that extra time close to her mothers heart beat. She has been listening to it for 9 month and was obviously not ready to be parted from me just yet. It has also allowed me (or forced me) to really rest through this week too.
And talking about her first week - Sandy weighed her yesterday and she was 3,87kg. So although a drop in weight is even "normal" for the first week - she has already put on 100g (as well as grown 1cm).
I had to laugh at Hannah wanting Brendon to take this photo today. She stood sideways (just like I did through the pregnancy to show my "bump"). She must think this is the way you pose for a photo. :-)
I did not want to have a long afternoon / evening on my own (with him going straight to the appointment after work) so we organized to visit the Fawcettes. Brendon dropped us off on his way and we had a lovely visit with them. Hezekiah just loved this tractor as well as the big go-cart (although I did not get a photo - it was so sweet looking at his happy face sitting playing with the steering wheel).
They always have so many animals for the children to enjoy and they had kittens again (which Hezekiah loved just as much as the girls).
Paulette had graciously invited us to have tea with them so that we did not have to "eat on the road" as we travelled home. It was quite a site watching her dish up for 16 people (they have 7 children and there was an extra visitor with one of the boys).
Rachel enjoyed watching two new horses being unloaded (their owners are immigrating).
Ruth and Hannah had great fun with all the dress up clothes. You can spot the box that had been unpacked behind them - clothes all over the floor.
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