Monday 17th - off to the dental nurse for Rachel this morning. This last baby tooth is just hanging on so long and has been really stubborn - making the new big tooth grow out in front. Rachel has been trying to wiggle the baby one loose for quite some time now but realized that pulling it is actually going to end up less painful as every time she wiggles it - it hurts. So although it was sore - she was incredibly brave and the dental nurse got it out nice and quick.
I honestly think it helped her to see how brave Diana was yesterday with the slide accident. She was clearly in so much pain but she did not even cry. There were a few times when the tears ran down her cheeks - but for a 7 year old I was just amazed. If you could have seen the huge dent she had in her leg - it was really frightening and I am just still so amazed that the bone did not break. Last night I was chatting to Brendon about it and how Regina just told Diana not to cry. And she didn't. He said that is what he would expect from an African though. They are really tough and so Regina has probably always just dealt with things in this way. It sure amazed me though - and gave Rachel loads of courage for her tooth pulling. The last one she had pulled a couple of years back was very traumatic for her and the dental nurse. But this time - even though a few tears rolled down Rachel's cheek - she was very strong and just squeezed my hand and got it over with. Well done Rachel.
Tuesday 18th - a visit with my midwife today. Yesterday was just such a scorcher that I slept most of the day. Thankfully the appointment was nice and early and we were home before 10am. It was already 26 degrees at 9:30 - and I am sure got well over 30 by lunch time. It was just so draining.

I was pleased that baby at least had head down for the visit today. Baby spends most of the time head down but two weeks ago when Sandy visited - decided to show off and do some flips while she was here. Baby went from head down to transverse and then breach - while Sandy was trying to get a heart beat. So this week was much better. It's only a little "snapshot" as Sandy says - but I know Sandy will feel much better if she knows baby is head down. No home birth for a breach birth. Although I know there is still plenty of time for baby to move around. I can't believe I only see Sandy again "next year" and that then there will only be a month before due date. I can't say the last weeks have been flying - but it is a reminder that it's the final stretch now.

The cooler weather today also meant I could get Christmas biscuits baked. I find on hot days the cookie press just does not work very well - so I used the cooler day and was pleased to get a little packet ready for Sandy.
Wednesday 19th - Christine (our neighbour with the horses) had people around today to put a proper drive way into her paddock property. There had been a rickety old bride there before which was starting to break - so she quickly got them onto fixing it up properly. Hezekiah just loved having a truck and digger to watch.

This afternoon Lynn came around to give the children some Christmas presents. We have not gotten to see them much at all this year and so it was really nice to get some time to catch up with her. Rachel had so much to tell her and Rachel and Ruth even gave her a last minute performance on violin and recorder.
Such a treat for the children - thank you so much Lynn.

Ruth was just thrilled with her sticker book and asked me to please take a photo with it.

And then trying to get a nice one with Lynn and the children. Not quite getting the lighting right as it was so bright (even with the lounge curtains closed).
Thursday 20th - the younger girls enjoyed doing their own "baking" today. Lots of different mud cakes made today - in the shade.

It was another scorching day. At 4:30 I took this photo of Brendon's alarm clock's thermometer - sitting in the shade on the deck - 38.8!!!!
I can only imagine how hot it must have been for him working today. It must have gotten well over 40.

It makes me very thankful for getting the biscuits done on Tuesday - on our cooler day. All the packages finally got made up today. Unfortunately we don't have a nice big counter to get a nice production line going. So this year only Rachel really helped by making one batch of cookies. Hopefully by next year we have our "school room" which will have a lovely long bench and we can make it a full family effort again. I am glad we got to do them though. We missed out last year for the first time in many, many years. The new thing this year was doing a heart instead of a tree. With the verse this year - John 3:16 - "For God so LOVED the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life."
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