Here is Ruth with her Cat group.
My two girls. This will be their last concert with this teacher as she is retiring now. They will all miss her (and the lovely convenience of having lessons down the road).
As there were "only mothers" allowed back stage at this time I kept going between Hannah at our seats and back stage - waiting for them to be ready to get a photo or two. Hannah was really good though and thankfully there was another mother with a younger sister also waiting - so that was nice. Hannah had this book with and so she was thrilled about showing it to them.

Rachel with her Cat group.
And one without the masks so that you can see their faces.

It's always rather busy on the night - so I am glad I got photos from the dress rehearsal of all their different outfits. The girls had such a lovely day.
And our tradition after a ballet concert is to take a small detour in Amberley to have a look at the two houses that always have a lot of Christmas lights up. It's probably the only time we will be driving home when it's dark.
Something simple - but special memories for the girls.
And for those of you who were wondering - I did eventually have a birthday "cake". We did a quick bit of shopping before getting back to the hall and as a last minute decision I bought some chocolate cheese cake ingredients. I quickly whipped this up on Sunday morning. The girls always like it if everyone has a birthday cake. :-) So although it was not fancy looking it still tasted good and was a lovely treat.
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