Friends in London sent us a lovely on-line Advent Calender where each day a new scene is open. Hezekiah has especially loved it and will sit for ages listening to the different pieces of music and watching the different stories (or games that the girls play). They are always so excited about seeing the new one each day. They have also learnt so much about London as there is a bit of info each day about where the scene takes place. If the programme is open Big Ben even chimes every hour (I set it for only every hour - not every 15 minutes). Hezekiah even knows when the chiming starts and runs over to look and makes a chiming sound to go along with it. It was so funny the first few days when Hannah came to terms with the fact that Big Ben is the clock. She kept saying "Dose Big Ben know the time?" So it's been enjoyable for each one of them - at each different level. It's been a real treat. Thanks Fiona.

The children have also really enjoyed the Christmas Music I bought this year. Today we had a bit of a performance with them all on flute (ok - we only have 3 - so Hezekiah was given a toy trumpet). We also got to watch a couple of dances that the girls have been practicing over the last couple of weeks.

I had finally gotten to wrap the presents and put them under the tree yesterday. Well today we had a few more added when Christine came and gave us a bag of presents. The girls are so excited.

The most interesting one was this one to Patches (our cat) from Hoki (her cat), Breeze (also known as Chicken), Porky and Auto (her horses). The girls are especially excited about opening this one. :-)

It was another hot day and was nice to head down to the pool again late afternoon. Again Brendon had times of being totally overloaded with children - even Ruth enjoying a few rides. He helped convince me to get in one they were out and so I got a few lengths in too which was good.
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