Mon 18 June. Patches playing with Hezekiah. Hezekiah very quickly figured out that shaking the strap would get Patches chasing it.

Sun 24 June. Hezkeiah finally happy to eat some different textured food. Having fun with a piece of bread.

Sweet smile behind the bread.

Wed 27 June. Ruth got her last posting from Correspondence School this week as she will be turning 6 next month. So as a special treat the teacher sent these new magnet blocks - a set each for Hannah and Ruth. The girls have had so much fun building different towers and shapes with them. When Hezekiah is awake they will build as quickly as possible and then let him knock it down.

Such a high tower and so much fun with these.
Wed 27 June. This is how Hezekiah fell asleep this afternoon. Thankfully I was able to get him to lie down without waking up. Even after a few minutes he had such lines all over his face. Funny little boy.
Wed 4 July. Brendon, Hezekiah and I headed into town today for my 10 week scan. The girls stayed with friends which made the day easier for us all. Confirmation that there is just 1 baby in there. Although measurements are showing baby as 9 weeks and 4 days - 2 days less than I thought - so my HCG levels really were very high. The photo was not that great but it was lovely to see this little one. Baby kept back to us most of the time but at one point baby turned over and we got to see the little legs and arms moving around. Moving too much to get a photo though - so already an active little one.

Sat 7 July. Brendon finally got time to wash the car today - much to Ruth's delight. She loves helping him and Hannah got involved with it too. So nice to have such a lovely sunny day. At this stage most of the washing was done and so they sat playing around Hezekiah who was sitting in the pram watching all the fun.
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