It's been wonderful to be up earlier for a couple of months now - since starting a different dietary supplement. Within the first month I changed from waking with Hezekiah at 7:30 to waking at 6am. (And have since even gone down to 5:30 and I don't even need an alarm.) It's lovely to have that total quiet time in the mornings so spend time reading and praying and watching beautiful sunrises. Although sunrises are now at 7:30 - so not that early.

Brendon was working this weekend - so he gets home just after lunch each day. This morning we had the music teacher and her daughter come over for a visit. The 2nd purpse of the visit was to get Brendon's new cello set up (which arrived via courier earlier this week). They are transported with the bridge off and so that had to be placed properly and the strings tightened. We had a lovely visit and then Rachel also enjoyed some time on the cello. Amanda just told her what note to start on and just like that she was playing Silent Night. She would love to play both this and the violin. We have decided though that she needs to earn the privlege to play it - so perhaps she will be able to keep her room clean now and do her jobs thoroughly.
Why this has come up now is that she has not been mucking out properly over the last few weeks and so with Christine home this weekend it all become known. Rachel must have spent at least 10 hours doing mucking out (Saturday, Sunday and finishing up on Monday). I went up and spent a few minutes helping her in the afternoon and showing her how to do it really well. She then worked for another 45 minutes and then I joined her with a book. It helped her to have something to listen to (and I could encourage her with the work as she went too). On Monday (yes - this blog is for Sunday) she asked if she could take the ipod and so she listened to the whole of A Magician's Nephew and she said the work went so much quicker. So hopefully through this hard lessons she has seen that it's better to just do the job properly each day.
Brendon took Hannah's side wheels off when he got home and then off she went. Well done Hannah. She ended up going so fast her feet slipped of the peddals but she still managed to keep herself balanced.

And while I was down reading to Rachel, Brendon gave me a lovely mothers day present and made dinner. Pasta with a Tuna / Cheese sauce. And it was lovely. So it was a rather different mothers day (I did not think I would be cleaning out horse poo) - but wonderful none the less. I am thankful for the time Rachel and I could spend together and I think many lessons where learnt (for both of us).
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