I am always thankful for the warmer days where the children can play outside without being bundled up too much. Here Hannah has a leaf bed and Ruth is "tucking her in". Hezekiah doesn't spend as much time in the pram outside anymore - now it's on the floor and working on those crawling muscles.

Ruth is just such a lovely big sister and loves spending time with him. I love listening to the conversations she has with him. So sweet.

It was really frosty on Thursday morning. I would normally not head out with all that ice still about but I had to move the car away from the garage as they started working on the garage that day.

Here is a shot of the garage as it's lifted up on one side. It should be all finished up early next week - then we have to wait for the door. They ordered it when the started work but it can take up to 10 days to get done. At least it's started though.
And being the 3rd it was also time for 7 month photos. It was wonderful to finally see that first tooth out of the gum. The 2nd one is not too far behind. He weighs 8.9kg and is 73cm tall. Sitting really well now and still full of smiles for everyone.
Thursday was also our first week day Bible Study and I made a cream of chicken soup. It went down really well - I say that because all three of my girls loved it. So that makes it a winner in my book. Such a pity I did not get a photo - it looks nice too. :-) I am so thankful to Carol Beakley for her tips on the soup. I have such fond memories of our soup before Bible Study at their home. Hopefully I can come up with some other creative ideas in the weeks ahead.

And time for a monthly children photo again too. It will be lovely to have a look through all of these in years to come. I hope I can keep up with our monthly photos.

And nice to get a photo with me too.
I got a call on Monday from one of the Grade 2 Ballet mothers asking if Rachel could give her daughter extra lessons. So on Tuesday Rachel headed down early to watch their session and make sure she remembered all that was involved and could compare what they were doing to the notes she got from the teacher - Mrs Vink. Mrs Vink even called her to the front and let her watch from there.

I think she is really thankful for the extra practice the girl is going to get. So Rachel headed over to their place on Wednesday and Friday this week (next week it will be Monday too) and made her first $10.
On Thursday Brendon hurt his Achilles tendon quite badly and so took Friday off to allow it to heal. We all headed down to play centre in the morning but I had to come back with Hezekiah as he just refused to sleep in the cots there. It was nice that Brendon got to see what the girls get up to (and it kept him still - with no temptation to get things done around the house).

On Saturday we headed off to town quite early to get a BIG shop done. Brendon needed a new wheelbarrow and an axe and the younger girls needed winter boots. We got home early enough for Hannah to still have her "afternoon tea" with Brendon at the local Tea Rooms. The girls are really enjoying these times and I can see that this will be a very set pattern from now on. It's such a blessing to not only the children but for us as parents too.

Rachel and Ruth have extra Ballet lessons on 3 Sundays this month as the exam is earlier than it normally is - on 30 May this time. Thankfully Ruth is able to get a lift with one of the mothers of her group that will be traveling through every week. It's an extra treat for Ruth to have an outing just on her own again. As there are 3 girls from our area in Rachel's group we have shared the traveling between us. Brendon took the girls today.
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