Loads of packing happening this morning and as could be expected Ruth would rather help pack than watch TV (what the other two were doing to keep out of the way). We can already tell that there is going to be loads of food left over at the end of the week.

Sorting out cars and trailers. A good oportunity to get a photo of their home too (in a security complex - that's why there are no fences in front of their house).

We left at around midday and planned to stop at “the bridge” for lunch. Such a highlight for the girls to watch the traffic going underneath us. Rachel remembers this restaurant from our many trips from Polokwane to Pretoria.

Loads of fun at the table. Hezekiah was really tired though – so he had a good sleep as soon as we were on the road again.
Another opportunity to see many areas where people are still living in shacks.

And typical SA skies – with huge clouds building up for a nice big thunder storm. What a blessing to have such a beautiful display for us today (with even some lightning for the girls to watch out for).

Stopping for some ice in Bela Bela (old Warmbaths). Uncle Frank playing with the younger girls through the window.

Welcome to Mabula. This is such a blessing for me to be coming here. Grandpa has organized a number of holidays here and so I have many wonderful memories from those times (as does Rachel).

Already spotting some lovely birds.
And a typical site (Rachel remembers from the Mojajie camp swimming pools) – the warthogs “cutting the grass”.

Making friends with Trevor with a game of catch with so much laughing and fun.

This lovely leaf insect was spotted too. What a blessing to see this small creation of the Lords and it’s amazing ability to hide. Rachel and Frank even spotted a huge snake as it tried to catch a squirrel. Hopefully the snakes keep their distance while we are here.

Unfortunately there was no electricity at the camp sites today so dinner was rather late. The younger girls had bread and went to bed early. Brendon, Rachel and I ended up having a candle lit dinner which was rather special. It was incredibly hot though and when the power finally came on at 1 the next morning our ceiling fan turned on (I had put it on for this reason) and I could finally get some sleep. It was a wonderfully memorable start to our time away.
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