Again I had a break after lunch and so managed to guide the girls as they made Babotie for dinner. Thanks girls - you are such big helpers.

Maureen did manage to visit today and we had a lovely 2 hours visit. We had a great time chatting while the girls played outside but somehow they made sure they were inside when things got done. Maureen is so good with the children. I suppose she should be with 10 of her own. She explains so nicely about what she is doing. And no surprise here to find my blood pressure low already. Only 86/44.
They were even more interested when she took blood. Thankfully there was no bumping in the process (I was a little worried with Hannah on my lap and so close - but she sat nice and still). Maureen got the girls helping by holding the different tubes and turning them over 10 times once they were filled. It is so wonderful to have the girls so involved in it all. What a blessing.
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