Tuesday, October 5, 2010


Rachel is busy learning about William Shakespeare and has already received over 20 books from the local library group as well as the National Library (the one we have access to because we home school). This is normally how we do unit studies - an overload of books. :-) Rachel will be drawn to certain ones and will read through loads of the books before I even have chance to look at them. Then I will pick a few to read to her. We have really had some lovely books and the highlight has been the videos from the National Library. Normally we can only get one video at a time but as it has been school holidays I asked if we could get as many as they have for over the holiday period. They were happy to do that and so we have 5 videos. These are great because they have the original language from the plays but it's abridged so they are each only about half an hour long. It's been great to watch these after reading the stories (different abridged versions). Rachel is even reading an original, full length of Romeo and Juliet (it's not in the photo). So when people ask me "do you have holidays at the same time as the schools" it's always tricky to answer. I would never say to Rachel "no - you may not read any of those books now because you are on holiday". :-) She is having a great time and is starting to recognise where famous quotes of Shakespeare's have been used.

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