Genesis 28:12-13 "And he had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold; the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. And behold, the Lord stood above it."
John 1:51 "Truly truly, I say to you, you shall see the heavens opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
The term "Son of Man" replaced the ladder in Jacob's dream, signifying that Jesus was the means of access between God and man.
Rachel putting some grass cuttings around the lavender. I noticed how well it had worked on reducing the growth of the weeks on the first meter than Brendon had done a while ago. So with the bed recently weeded it was the perfect time to get the grass on.
The girls were up a little earlier than usual from their nap this afternoon - so Rachel got them all "sun safe" and they headed out to play in the sandpit. Thankfully it has full shade too.
After dinner we headed down to the river again. Rachel and Ruth chatting to some friends.
Unfortunately Hannah's hat fell off and then became a toy.
She really loved being in the water.
Finally Rachel and Ruth came to join Hannah. They had not gotten very wet before this.
Splashing fun.
Sand fun.
And then at 7:30 we headed out for a cycle.
Back by 8:15 and straight to bed for the girls. Even though it's been over a month since we last went out as a family (due mainly to sickness and weather) Hannah still remembered it all and was so excited. We all had a great time and look forward to this being a regular event (weather permitting).
I spent many hours this afternoon making my birthday cake for tomorrow. My first every Chocolate Mousse cake. My birthday present was my new camera but this afternoon felt like a birthday present to. The ingredients include 8 eggs, 4 cups of cream and 1kg of chocolate. For someone who never has cream in the fridge this is quite something. It's over 3 1/2 hours of preparations but was so much fun. There is no flour in the recipe, so Ruth can enjoy it with us too. It was great to make my first ever Chocolate Mousse and Ganache. I have had such a wonderful day.

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