Once again I only got up with Hannah after 9am. By then Rachel had gotten so much of her work done and then got Ruth involved in making bread. Here she is holding Ruth and letting her push the buttons.

And they did not stop there. I had planned a very relaxed day - not expecting to get much done - and the girls decided to be extra helpful and so they cleaned the bathroom.
Then we headed off to the doc so that he could just check Hannah. It was good to know there was nothing we were missing. No swollen glands and her ears and throat are fine. So we just have to hang in there and wait it out. Day 5 of the fever already.

The girls had planned to eat outside but the wind was a bit nippy, so they had an "indoor picnic". Hats and all. :D

Thankfully Hannah ate a little. She has eaten oats almost every day but it was good to see her trying something more today. She has also started drinking a bit more - so that is helpful.

These little chicks visited the patio this afternoon.

I threw some bread out and it was so funny to see the mother bird try put a HUGE piece of bread in the baby's mouth.

Brendon got his running shoes out on Saturday and although it was too windy to go out yesterday, he got out again this afternoon. To the end of our drive and back is 1,4km, so not a bad distance to start.

Rachel joined him on her bike and parked it and ran for a bit too. Although Brendon looks bushed he said he could probably have run further. I can see Rachel getting running fit too.
It was so lovely to see Hannah playing with Ruth this evening before bed. Rachel and I were watching Little House on the Prairie and at one point Ruth came over to have a look. Ruth and Hannah had been walking from the toy boxes with these toys and taking them over to the oven. So when Hannah made the trip over and found that Ruth was not there, she headed over to us and called Ruth to come back and play. How lovely to see a little bit of life in this little one.
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