Yesterday Ruth got this one done.

And this morning she did the 2nd last of the book before we left for church.

Trying on Dad's shoes.

On our way home from church we bought a roasted chicken from the 4-square in Amberley. So yes, we try chicken again and hope for the best. We ate our lunch on the patio and it did not take Hannah long to head over to the climbing frame. Dad had to run over to get to her before she was at the top. This is her second time over (once I had gotten the camera).

She thinks this is wonderful fun. Oh, boy - what are we in for.... :D

The girls were not interested in an afternoon nap (Hannah had a short nap in the car on the way home). So we headed out to get some gardening done. Lynn had given me some potatoes (that had started growing) for us to plant and so it was good to finally get some of them in. Our last crop lasted us almost right through the winter. So it will be good to get an early start and we know we can keep more for next winter.

Hannah had a great time. At one point she called us - sounding upset about something - as she had found a worm and was not too sure about it (she could not get it off her hand). So we suggested she feed it to the chooks. It's there - hanging out her right hand. And the chooks really enjoyed it.

There were some old Brussels sprouts in the garden (full of tiny insects - so no good for us) which the girls fed to the chooks.
And Hannah had a ball playing on the compost heap.
The had their bath when they came in, so spent some time playing upstairs before bed. I love the way Ruth puts a table cloth down for their tea party.
Then they decided that Dad needed some tea too. Rachel spent most of the afternoon with her nose in a book. Thankfully she has a set of 7 Little House on the Prairie books which have kept her busy. So not being able to walk around much has not worried her at all.
We have seen adverts about "The Rhythms of Ireland" coming to NZ - "direct from Dublin" and Brendon decided it was time for a nice spoil for us. We do have over a month to wait, but I am so excited. Brendon's parents would take us to the theater every few years, so it will be lovely for us to go again.
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