And the book was finished. She is working total on her own and is getting really quick. These are all 24 piece and it has been great to get the extra practice with a "smaller" puzzle. But now I have to find her more......
So the next step would be the Animals book which are 48 piece and not really a young child's book. But our puzzeholic just keeps going and wants to try everything.
She had the 1st one done by 12:30 (6th for the day). And thankfully they have slowed her down a little but are still doable. She like having me stand by her on these ones although I don't actually help much. I will say general things like "why don't you look for the side pieces" and if she picks one up "have a look at the picture and see where it goes". So really just there for cheering her on.
As soon as she was up this afternoon she got back to puzzles and got the 2nd one in this book done by 4pm (7th for the day).
We all walked to meet Dad when we knew he was on his way home and were amazed to see how little is left of the swede.
Ruth did not have her boots on today so Rachel carried her across the puddle in the drive (this is the old drive that Brendon uses for work).
Once they were through the puddle they saw Dad's car and so I said they could run ahead to meet him. It's so lovely to see their excitement at seeing Dad.
Ruth insisting on getting down on her own.
We LOVE DAD!!!!!
And as soon as she was done with dinner she got building again. This was at 5:30. I had just asked here "where on the picture will that piece go?" You can also see that she is realizing that doing the border first does help a lot. Although when she sees a piece that fits onto a border piece she has already placed, then she gets those in first.

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