When the cats away....
Hannah was just not going to sleep this afternoon and I had to take Rachel to the school for the Brownie lift club at 3. So because at 2 Ruth was not even asleep, I decided to just go early with them. We got the shopping done and dropped Rachel at the school library. She was more than happy to spend half an hour in a room with so many books... :D
When we got home Hannah went to sleep really quickly but Ruth said she did not want to sleep. So she had some time on her own to play with Rachel's barbie dolls.

Brendon then spent 2 hours cutting up two big pieces of meat for me for the cooking that I plan to get done tomorrow (thus the shopping for veggies at the local store). I so appreciate his help with this - it was always the part of the food prep that I really did not enjoy. That's the one negative about getting free meat - we get a LOT of Shoulder and Leg Roasts and unfortunately there are only so many roasts a family can eat - especially with two little ones in the house.
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