There was Guide Training this afternoon on
Maoritanga which I chose to attend so we headed in to town for church this morning. After church Brendon dropped me off and then took the girls to the Museum. They had a great time. Unfortunately I left the camera at home again - so no photos. But if there were photos they would be of each of the girls on the life size horse they have in one section. Rachel made the note that she rode side saddle (with her long dress). They enjoyed time at a playground before picking me up and when we drove past afterwards I understood why they said it was a VERY HIGH slide. It was lovely and safe though - built up on a hill (so no falling off tall ladders) - and was almost like a big
supa tube (SA term for a water slide) but with no water. They said it was nice and fast but designed really well so that there is enough space to slow down at the end.

The training was really good and hopefully now I will be able to read the library books Ruth gets from her correspondence school every now and again that are in Maori. It was also good to understand a bit more about their culture and customs and I even got to do my first flax weaving. (Photo taken at home a few days later)
We had Chinese food for dinner which I so enjoyed. There was so much we will be able to have left overs for dinner tomorrow night - bonus. Before heading home we visited Kerry at the Ronald MacDonald house (a free boarding house of sorts for people from out of town who have family in hospital). She is staying there while little Joshua spends a few weeks in hospital. He arrived at only 29 weeks (over 2 months early), so he will need a number of weeks of intensive hospital care before he can go home. It was so lovely to see her.

She has been in town now for 7 weeks (5 weeks before he was born and 2 weeks now since) and although I have chatted on the phone with her a number of times, it's always good to get these one-on-one catch up times. (Thankfully there was someone else with a camera so I could get a photo of these two all dressed up from the play area at Ronald MacDonald house)
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