Another of the
chook books is about a little girl called Ruth-May. Ruth thinks it's great that the girl has the same name as her and when she was reading the book this morning she showed me that they both had bunny slippers on. :D

Again today the girls really enjoyed watching the digger. They especially love it when he turns around.

Thanks to some inspiration from friends I suggested we make a blanket fort in the living room today.

The girls had so much fun.

Our craft time today was to make a tree with blossoms. I hunted for pink tissues but only found one. So here they are making white blossoms.

Colouring the
ice scream stick for the tree trunk.

Going out to have a look at the lovely flowers on the tree that we can see form the study

There is so much more green now - but the white and pink is really beautiful.

And one pink tissue was enough for both trees.

The girls brought blankets and pillows and spent ages in here today.

Rachel has been doing extra riding this week. She drives down the Northern drive and down to the main road (just over 1km) and then heads down to the end of the Southern drive (another 1,4km). So she knows she is able to go 2,5km in one go - the distance to the
horses we visited the other day.

Rachel was very excited to help with preparing the veggies for today's lamb stew. Thankfully we had extra time this afternoon for her to learn how to cut up some new things. I am so thankful for her positive attitude towards helping and know that with a little bit of training and time she will become a HUGE help to me.

Once Dad was home and could see their fort I decided it was time to pack that one back and get
the living room back to normal use. So I created a new fort upstairs.

They were impressed with how much bigger this one was. And there lots of different doors which make it extra fun. The girls have had such a fun day (
despite the wet weather outside).

When I put this tomato plant in this pot last week it was level with the piece of wood. It's been wonderful to see it growing so much in just a week.

And the
Zucchini has grown amazingly in one week too. It's also interesting that the ones on the right came up so much later than the left but are now bigger. What a blessing to see the wonder of God's world as you watch a little seed sprout and start to grow.
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