Monday 22nd: Hannah has started having an Epsom salt and bicarb bath once she gets home from school to help with the reaction to the chlorine and the week went so well. Almost all of the issues that we had over the previous 2 weeks just disappeared. We are so thankful.

Tuesday 23rd: Asher had a rough day today with 3 seizures. First a 1 1/2 minute Tonic Clonic at 11am. Then a 1 1/2 minute Tonic at 3:15pm. She went very blue with this one. And then at 6:30 she had a 1 minute semi-conscious one where she wasn't able to talk and just moved very slowly. We have seen this before where she wants to be with someone, but it takes a lot of effort for her to move. She just cuddles though and thankfully it has never lasted long. Rather a tiring day for her though. Although we are very thankful she had a great 18 day break since the last seizure.

Wednesday 24th: Ruth had swimming lessons today, so we had to rearrange things and Rachel came with to Champion Centre with me, to be Asher's travelling companion. In April Rachel has a St John lesson to teach on physical activity for disabled children. So she was able to spend some time chatting to the Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists at the Champion Centre while we were there. She learnt so much and is really excited about teaching the lesson now.
It was also nice for Rachel to get to meet Asher's different therapists and get to see some of the activities she does.

It's always wonderful to see how quickly she learns things. She learnt so quickly how the magnets work and that they sometimes need to be turned around to work. She also learnt so quickly how to use the tongs. At first we had to keep her left hand held back so that she didn't "cheat", and that helped her see how much she could do.

Asher loves time in the music room and her favourite activity is playing with the small scarves. She loves when we have them on our heads and play peek-a-boo.
There are a whole range of instruments for her to play with too.

Ruth was based at our neighbour, Val, while we were out through the morning (other than getting herself to her swimming lesson). She had the privilege of watching a monarch butterfly hatching from it's pupa.

So when I arrived to pick her up, she asked that I come in and take some photos. It was quite appropriate that she was wearing her butterfly top today.
Wednesday's are always such a full on day. The whole morning out for Champion Centre, then Ruth to Guides from 3 till 6 (including travelling time) and then as soon as we get home she heads out to karate.
Today I decided to walk up to the hall at 7 once the younger girls were finished (Brendon and Rachel practice till 8). Shadow enjoyed the walk and Hezekiah was thrilled to have some time at the park. It was good to make use of the warmer weather and longer days. (Writing this near the end of March and the days are already so much shorter.)
Rachel asked me to take a photo with her and her new blue belt. We didn't have the blue belts for all 4 of them yet, so a group photo will have to come at a later date.
Friday 26th: This week we (Ruth, Hezekiah, Asher and I) walked Hannah to school and I pick her up in the afternoon (as Asher is normally still sleeping).

This morning I quickly came into the classroom so that I could take a photo of Hannah at the board with her two smiley faces. She had told me all about them on Sunday and so I was eagerly hearing about their "growth" through the week. For every "good" thing (like getting to the mat quickly or listening well), she gets one part of the smiley face (circle, an eye or the smile). One she has 3 smiley faces she gets a smiley token which allows her a privilege. It's great to see her motivated and working hard to do well.
Saturday 27th: As Hannah had a much better week, Brendon said she could "practice" riding her bike in uniform with her bag and he would see if she was safe enough to ride to school. She diligently got everything ready and had a ride around for him to watch her. She showed that she was safe enough (and stable enough even with her heavy bag with swimming gear in) and so she will start riding to school on Monday.
I had to smile this evening when Hannah was doing Math. Ruth and her enjoy "racing" through their Reflex Math and so that gets them both motivated to work (although it's also loads of playing). Ruth finished first tonight and so enjoyed reading through some things on the blog. She had a sore knee today, so she put her bean bag in the freezer and had that on her knee for a while this evening. I feel so sorry for her with her regular knee pain. She does still have underlying inflammation in her body - so we just don't know what is going on in there.
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