Hezekiah got his first John Deere Tractor today. A gift from the Ravn family (one of Brendon's bosses). The wife had told me that she was at the shops with one of her boys and she asked him what she should buy. He said he clearly remembers the John Deere tractor he had as a child and how much he loved it. So a very special gift. Hezekiah will just have to wait a few years to play with it. :-)
We have been so blessed by all the cards and gifts we have received. Rachel loves putting them in size order when the counter get cleaned.
Two of my favourite ones are the smallest two. A personalized cross stitch card and a book mark. People are so creative.

And as expected - Ruth then wanted a photo taken too. :-)

The girls computer has been playing up a lot lately and so we decided to get a cheap entry level laptop. The size of the computer is just huge compared to their old one (500MB compared to just 18MB) and so I hope to load as many of their games onto the computer as I can (and not need to use the disks every time they want to swap games). Going through all their games Ruth noticed the typing game and has said she wants to learn to type. So this week she got onto the game for the first time. She diligently went through the first lesson and the long page of asdfjkl; combinations.
On Friday night Brendon and I (with Hezekiah) went to the farm's year end function. We had a lovely evening and the girls had a great time visiting with Bob and Lynn (our old neighbours).
Our exciting news this week is that we made an offer on a house in Hawarden and the offer was accepted. We now have 2 weeks to get a few things sorted before the contract is unconditional. It's going to be a very busy week ahead.
We already stayed up till after 11pm on Sunday evening getting paperwork sorted for our KiwiSaver Deposit subsidy application. We have been members of KiwiSaver for 3 1/2 years now and so this is what is helping make it possible for us to have the money for a deposit (this and the wonderful blessing Brendon's bosses have been to us).
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