Yip - 21 weeks already. Over half way now. I can't believe there is only just over 4 months to go. And yes - that tummy is already quite big. So it will be interesting to see how big it gets with this pregnancy. I still get quite a shock when I look at how big I got with Hannah. I am however putting more effort into this pregnancy to make sure that the tummy that is growing is only because of baby - and not because of too much sugar in my diet. It's been a bit frustrating the last few days though. I have avoided eating chocolate for at least the last 4 months (with only a little eaten at Easter) and the last few days I have craved it so much. I don't know if it's the cold that I have had - that there is something in the chocolate that I am needing. My midwife always says you need to listen to your body - so in proportion I have been LOVING Cadbury Mint Bubbly. Perhaps it's all the garlic I have been eating the last week that has made me enjoy the mint so much. ;-)

I do know that the first photo is out of focus - I am having problems with my 18 month old camera. :( I did notice straight away so I took another photo. I include it though as it was just so amazing to see how they both had lovely toothy smiles in the first and then more quite smiles in the second shot. And both wearing orange and black. :-) Melissa is such a lovely lady and she had both Ruth and Hannah on her lap at one point. She is from Zimbabwe and her husband is from South Africa - so she was interested to chat to us about the possibilities of adoption from SA. How nice that we were able to encourage her as well.
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