We left at 10:30 this morning so the girls could enjoy Music and Movement before we headed into town. After lunch Brendon and I had dentist appointments and then it was time to head out to camp. We always seem to arrive really early when the Sinclair family are still setting up. So the girls got stuck in and helped get the cupcakes ready.
Hannah with red. |
Ruth wanted more kitchen work and so Jo got the girls getting the chips ready for the Nachos dinner.
Hannah not asleep - just blinded by the red eye light
before the flash. |
Ruth with red. |
The moon rises were lovely every night. Saturday's was
incredible as it was a magnificent orange. |
We got the younger girls into bed before the evening session started which was around 8pm. So it was already later than normal for them but with all the excitement it was hard for them to get to sleep. I gave them each a glow stick so that they would not be worried when it got dark. A little later when I came to check on them (the noise level over the monitor to our room had gotten louder) I found Hannah in Ruth's bed. It was quite cute to see these happy little faces. But we got Hannah back into her own bed (otherwise they would never have gotten to sleep) and it was not long before they were asleep. They were quite excited about using sleeping bags.
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