I am usually up before the girls and once Hannah is up she will head upstairs to where I am. This morning however I heard her happily playing downstairs for ages. The reason. The doll house we got out of the toy library yesterday. They did not have time to play with it yesterday an so Hannah made the most of her one-on-one time with it this morning. So even though she was tractor mad at her 2
nd birthday - 4 months on and she really is a
girly girl.

This afternoon we got our new washing machine set up (we bought it yesterday when we were in town). The old one had warned me that it was not going to go on forever. One day it just would not start. Half an hour later I tried again and it went - but the thought of it breaking down and a replacement being a 2 hour round trip away - we decided to get the replacement now instead.
I have also gone from having a 5kg machine to a 9kg machine - so I am going to have so many less loads to do. :-)

The girls are enjoying the new pink caps Dad brought home. Ruth looks so pretty with the dark pink.
Family effort again today on a big pot of soup. Well - two pots actually. I had the beef and soup mix (barley
ect) in my pressure cooker and the veggies in a 2
nd pot. Then I combined them and we had at least 14
leters of soup.
So enough for tomorrow's birthday party lunch with the Spencer family as well as at least 4 more meals in the freezer. And it was soooo good.
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