As today was party day we decided it would be present day too. Rachel wrapped the presents last night and I think she was more excited about them being opened than Ruth was. It was so funny.

Very pleased to get a DVD from Nana and Grandpa.
chitty-bang-bang is the new movie and the request was immediately made to watch it. We said we would watch it after the guests left later this afternoon.

Then Spencer's arrived for lunch bearing gifts. Ruth was so excited about all the craft gifts she received.

When we were in town on Friday I took Ruth to the $2 store to buy a few "small" gifts with money from Nana and Grandpa. Nana had mentioned on our weekly Wednesday chat how she would love to buy her a few small toys so I thought this was a nice way for her to do that (from another country). I was so amazed at Ruth's choices. She bought a couple of fun toys but then chose a pack of bubbles so that she and her friends could play with them today. She also picked out sheets of stickers for her friends. What a giving and considerate child she shows herself over and over to be. What a blessing you are Ruth - to us and all who meet you.

Hannah watching how Katie does it.

And getting it right herself. They had so much fun. Thank you Ruth.

Then another family arrived for afternoon tea and it was cake time.
Ruth chose this cake tin from the toy library and was very excited about how it turned out.
We thank the Lord for the 4 years that He has blessed you with and pray that He would give you a long and full life. You are a wonderful blessing to us and we thank the Lord for you.
Blowing out the candles. A bit tricky when they are spaced out so far. Sorry about that Ruth.
A picture with the friends.
Ruth was thrilled to cut the cake herself.
Enjoying cake and a few special treats Ruth had chosen.
It was a lovely day.
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