Saturday, May 8, 2010

New winter garden plan

Months ago I read about a way to have a veggie garden with NO weeding. So I have been collecting boxes and today the girls took them down to the veggie garden to start the process.
They had so much fun too - nothing like making a game of work.
They were great at collecting leaves too. Two benefits here - cleaning up the fallen leaves and adding to our veggie garden.

The shells worked better than the wheelbarrow and the girls all helped carry a number of loads down.
Rachel having more fun.
Once they had a few loads there they spent some time jumping into the pile. You can't make such a big pile of leaves and not jump into it. :-)
Then Dad arrived home with a load of straw. Bits sometimes fall off the bales at the farm and don't get used. So we are using some of the left overs.
So leaves first, then straw and then the boxes which we wet thoroughly. We actually need a lot more boxes but at least we have gotten started.
The idea is that in spring we will make little holes in the decaying boxes to plant the seeds or seedlings and so the weeds don't grow around your plants and watering is needed less as the cardboard keeps the moisture in.
If you want more info on this you can read the article I read here.

This is a video clip of Debi Pearl in her cardboard boxed veggie garden.

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