Friday, May 7, 2010


What a beautiful start to a day that started off rather hard for me. Brendon has had the hardest week yet of our time here in NZ and he only told me about it all last night. I had such a hard morning with the girls and did not know why I was struggling so much. I am sure it was related to my concern for Brendon and so I am very thankful to him for not telling me earlier in the week.
A friend happened to phone to organize lifts for youth tonight for Rachel and she asked what was wrong (it was evident in my voice). She offered to fetch Ruth and Hannah and take them to music and movement. They are such precious little girls but I think this morning I needed that 1,5 hour break.
Even looking forward to the break that was coming helped me through the next hour. The girls enjoyed some cuddle time with Tiger in Ruth's bed. The girls always love seeing all the funny positions the cats get themselves into.
When Brendon came home today he was very relieved that the week was over and it can all be put behind him. The clouds of trials in our lives are not pleasant to go through, but the trials also draw us closer to God and just as the clouds create such a beautiful sunrise - so the trials help us to grow and bring glory to God.

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