We visited Julia this morning while our car got it's
wof. The girls had made autumn place mats for her but we only had enough leaves to make her 2. They had such beautiful leaves in their garden that we ended up collecting a packet full to press.

There were such lovely colours and Julia even went and found some more special ones as we were leaving. These are almost silver. So very pretty. They are actually the seed pods - not leaves. So the girls carefully took the outer layers off, removed the seeds and we pressed the pretty silver inner.

The leaves were mostly wet through, so Rachel and I had a production line going where she would dry them off and I would get them into my flower press.

We look forward to making our next batch of place mat presents.

Toys go back to the toy library tomorrow so Ruth always builds the puzzle on the last day to make sure all the pieces are there. It's amazing how quickly she will get to know a puzzle. She does not need to even look at the picture but will build it up very methodically. I was glad I got the waggon for free as it was only used for one of the two weeks. It's been so wet the last week.

We were just able to see the mountains today and it was lovely to see the sprinkling of snow out there.

It's always so beautiful.
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